
Michelle is the best.

I hope this goes without saying but please, no one tune in to the inauguration today. Don’t use any hashtags about it that are neutral (like #inauguration). Please let this ego maniac have one of the least viewed, non Twitter trending inaugurations of all time. Unfollow him if you follow him on Twitter.

Oh god I miss them so much.

I want my family to be like the Obamas.

Very MAGA American attitude though. Still love you though boo. That new movie actually looks good and Shyamalan might actually regain an audience with this,

More like Tackie O, amirite?

That’s one of the most impressively ‘muricah! and impressively bad outfits ever.

Seriously, I think I might just live in this thread all day today.

You gotta see what Kellyane Conweigh is wearing today. It looks like something from an 80's talent show with a 4th of July theme. Or maybe she got a tailor to make her an American Girl outfit.

I saw a few Repub replies last night on Twitter stating that the Republicans/Trump lovers all have jobs so they can’t be there. You know, unlike us unemployed government leeching liberals. LOL

Pretty sure it was Kotter, I.e. Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out; Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about.

I came up with Ellen DeGeneres. Then Kevin Spacey, who I don’t think is out, so that would be rude. I wonder if something like that was going through his head. “Tom Cruise ... wait, no. John Travolta? Still no. DAMMIT.”

even if you know the things that you’re asked about, recalling them on the spot is hard.

The current Sec of Energy is a prof at M.I-freakin’.T.

its so hard to tell sometimes

Is the tie trump wearing in the picture down to his knees? God, for a guy who wears a suit every minute of the day, he’s terrible at it.

I’m not really surprised, we knew Trump was racist, but I do kind of feel bad for Kanye for being stupid enough to think this man would ever do more for him than use him as a photo opportunity.


He’s not the only Republican just finding out what his job entails....