
I’ve never been this emotional over a president leaving. And I’m not even American! I don’t know if it’s because it’s OBAMA or because of the vileness that’s following him.

I wish I had 1/4 of the faith in the fundamental goodness of people and hope that Barack Obama does. I used to be a more positive about it, but since the election it’s been incredibly difficult. I felt like I finally saw people’s true colors, people who I actually know who I thought were smarter and more

The only tiny, tiny silver lining of these hearings is to put on full display the absurdly and hypocrisy of the GOP platform and make clear, in my opinion, which party and which leaders are true public servants.

Do they make chopsticks that big?

The state of this country is so CONSTANTLY DIRE now that I actually kind of forgot this even happened, if I’m being totally honest. I can’t imagine how these women have been intimidated in the time since coming forward. I’m glad she’s standing her ground.

Whenever I see Obama interact with children, my heart grows three sizes.

Just came here to say: Damn, Obama looks fine in that leather jacket.

But Selena didn’t post that pic above? Showing the guy taking the photo in the mirror comes off as creepy.

Since I have to troll Drumpf for 4 years, this is going in my Trumpkin Trololo folder, thanks.

For some reason I find 6ix much less annoying than se7en. (I’m speaking just about mixing numbers and letters this way.) And that makes no logical sense because at least a 7 looks sort of like a v turned at an angle whereas a 6 looks nothing like an S.

Love the movie though.

You know, right? Kinda unheard of. Maybe he’ll change his mind, telling musicians he’s paying them with the “exposure”

I don’t see him as a legitimate President either. Thank you Rep. Lewis for your continued bravery.

I thought she would have gotten an invite to the inauguration by now.

It will certainly be fun to watch all of the spineless, mealy mouthed republicans in congress try to gaslight and explain away what is starting to look more and more like fucking treason.

Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.

It’s probably not evolution, it’s biology, it’s how all living things were created...

If you’re an actual in demand, pretty well known porn star and people try and pull this shit, imagine how bad it is for nobodies.

there’s going to be a lot of stories like this the next four years with Trump nowhere to be found.

The boy weighed 30 pounds when he was found