
This is so sweet and I so envy these ladies, but what really made me bawl was Joe Biden being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by his best bro, tears streaming down his face.

I can’t even get excited about Comey’s potential removal because Trump gets to replace him.

Here’s how her campaign would go:

I know a lot of us, myself included, didn’t think her running this year as VP was a good idea because she is so vital in the Senate. With this fucking dumpster fire headed our way for the next four years though, I think 2020 would be the PERFECT time for her.

They are super cool looking when they get a bit older

They’re so cute!

I’m so fucking angry. My parents were finally able to afford healthcare for the first time since we lost our house during the housing crisis. ACA obviously has problems, but the solution has never been snatching away healthcare from people who desparately need it.

I also thorouly enjoyed CharDee MacDennis 2: Electric Bugaloo

You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.

As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.

I don’t think any reasonable person doubts that those things would be far less likely under Clinton.

I am absolutely not a Trump supporter for the record, I just feel like when you throw unfiltered allegations out there and say “you decide!” to the public you open yourself up to people taking matters in their own hands, like that nutjob who should up at the pizza place with a gun.

You imply that this dossier has ANY evidence of authenticity. There is none. Period. It MAY be 100% true. I have no idea, and neither do you or (it would seem) ANYONE reporting on it. You may as well say “There are reports of invisible trolls conducting mind control experiments on world leaders”... as that statement

I made this the other night because fuck this guy

That’s my response to every utterance of his name, along with “Just shut up, you fucking imbecile.”

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.

I thought I cried myself out on Election Night, but I’m an absolute mess here.

That was an amazing speech. That man is a world-class orator and just a top-notch person. We are really going to miss him.

When he got teary talking about Michelle and the girls....wooo.

This was rough.

OMG tearing up over how much he loves his wife.