I did that kind of shit years ago during my Granola Mom Phase. I’m over it.
I did that kind of shit years ago during my Granola Mom Phase. I’m over it.
The 2011 quake was a 9.1 and this one has been downgraded to a 6.9. Just praying that any resulting tsunami from this one is similarly decreased in magnitude.
There just aren’t enough facepalm gifs in the fucking world for this.
We sure did avert a disaster, huh? Who knows what she could have done with her emails in office, right? Whew!
Everything he does is an example of a reason why his idiots hate Hillary Clinton, despite most of those reasons being bullshit.
Yes. A brief and half-hearted “Stop it” on 60 minutes, was only really because he was put on the spot. Otherwise, I strongly suspect that he would have remained silent on the subject.
Or they care because he has spent more time addressing how people are mean and unfair to him than he has on addressing all of the hate crimes that are being done in his name.
“He has over 25 million followers on Facebook and Twitter and it’s a great way for him to take his message directly to people, cut through the noise or the silence, whatever the case may be,” Conway replied. “Sometimes he’s just trying to cut through the nonsense of people telling Americans what’s important to them,…
Kanye, why do you have to make is so hard to appreciate your music by, you know, being such a horrible person?
Remember the thought experiment, about liberals running their own Donald Trump-esque candidate, and would we vote for him? That is Kanye West, and the answer is “hell no.”
Why are they still your friends?
Lindsey Graham just called for a Congressional investigation into Russia and our election today.
Where were the Congressional investigations on this? We wasted millions in tax payer dollars on Benghazi and emailz, but will this get the same attention? This seems a hell of a lot more disturbing.
parking a 25 foot trailer in his driveway. did you not read the article?
Just if you wanted to see what she would have had to gone through to get one in TN:
this is what happens when help is not available.
Hey Locomotive Jones: You can keep responding to me, but I dismiss the second I see your name without even reading your inane comments. FYI, fucker.
The fact that he’s still under the impression that people want to be “in suspense” about what he’s doing with the government is mind boggling. How many years will it take him to realize the presidency is not a reality TV show? What a fucking gong show.
That top photo looks like it could have been snapped right after his tweet about HRC, he looks pleased as punch with himself. like, “yes, sirree, I did just come up with that hilarious and clever tweet all by myself. Aw shucks, I sure am glad you liked it.”
Well, that look up there is certainly filling me with serenity.
How is it going to work that his kids get security clearance when they’re running his businesses? There’s supposed to be a firewall there.