
Why should Obama waste even one second of his precious time schooling this fuckwit on how to do his job? Fuck that shit. Fuck being the bigger person. Fuck “doing what’s right.” Fuck being nice. Fuck all of it. Obama would be 1000% justified in walking out the door on 1/20/17, taking everything that’s his (including

Kellyanne can go fuck herself.

Jesus, some people REALLY believed that bullshit and are going to be SO disappointed.

I donated to planned parenthood and then got a lecture from a family member about dead babies. So I donated again, double my original amount, in said family member’s name.

What the fuck? They’re gonna wrap some thread around that shit and sell it for 4 dollars, and then act like it’s MAGNANIMOUS of them?

This is literally a living nightmare.

Jesus FUCKING CHRIST. trump wants Steve bannon to be chief of staff!!!’

No, she lost a primary election before.

So...that “special” prosecutor still happening, or is that the 1st promise he breaks?

I’m so impressed at how great and put together she looks. How do you suffer such a massive and public disappointment and be okay? I would be wrapped in a blanket guzzling wine like Tami Taylor watching Gilmore Girls for like a month.

The decision to vote either Trump or Clinton is not a simple difference of opinion. The man is openly hostile towards women, immigrants, people of color, and, to a lesser extent, LGBT folks (although Pence more than makes up for it on that front). And this doesn’t even take into account how erratic and capricious he


How you managed to gather offense from that comment is quite a feat

I’ll go back into my hole now. Sorry about showing up and trying to show support like a normal human.

Hillary deserved better than to lose to this buffoon or to lose because people didn’t like her personality, but did that of her racist, sexist, xenophobic competition. FOH that was such BS.

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

oh my god, i am crying at work. This is so sad and this is an incredibly brave and gracious way for her to concede.

Good, because here’s what I wrote over on the “It’s Real” post:

Let’s hope we get a leftist Tea Party out of this. Could happen. I think a lot of his supporters are going to be disappointed in him because he can’t deliver more than a fraction of all the things he promised and they they projected onto him.

i am angry today. i am fucking raging.