I’m struggling right now. When it was really starting to look grim as the results were coming in, I get a text from my brother saying,” sorry just couldn’t vote for hillary”. Another friend was of the “I’m too good to vote for the lesser of two evils” camp. I did uninvite her for thanksgiving. Not sure how I will be…
Ikr? This isn’t an election in which McCain or Romney won. I would be sad, but I could live with that.
I want payback. I want the congressional democrats to do to Trump what the congressional republicans did to Obama. I want the senate minority leader to release a statement mimicking McConnell’s statement about Obama. It will say that “the number one goal of congressional democrats is to make sure that Trump is a…
Susan Sarandon and every other Stein voter who, through their colour, age and wealth won’t have to live with the effects of Trump’s racist agenda.
To all the voters who decided their women hating agenda was more important than civil rights, the environment, and the future of our species:
Fuck the media for not only perpetuating the whole “They’re both shitty candidates” narrative but also giving that bloviating windbag hours of free airtime because they found him entertaining. And for letting him and his surrogates say whatever the fuck they wanted to without bothering to fact check any of it until…
A bubbly young woman at the Trump pre-coronation frat party was interviewed on MSNBC and said she voted for him because he was going to bring liberty and freedom back and make America great again. She just spoke in meaningless, regurgitated words and phrases.
I’m choking at rage with the 30% of millenials (aka people my age) who voted for Trump. FUCKING DAMMIT, I THOUGHT WE HAD A PLAN GUYS WHAT THE FUCK!
To all the idiots in swing states who voted for a third party candidate out of “protest,” FUCK YOU.
To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:
To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...
Now is a good time for us on the West Coast to secede. I think we’re done with all that “United States” bullshit. Because tonight absolutely proved it’s bullshit. Unequivocally.
Goddamn. I started this day at 4:45 a.m. with so much hope and optimism, worked the polls all day, just dropped off the supplies and I come home to this. I literally feel sick to my stomach. How is this happening? I am angry and terrified.
No, fuck you for pushing that “both cadidates are bad” nonsense. That’s why we’re in this situation.
If by some strange horrible longshot Trump wins, I will cease to speak to anyone who insisted on voting for Stein or Johnson because “I shouldn’t have to vote for the lesser of two evils” or “Clinton is a liar and murderer” or “they are both terrible” or “I don’t have to follow the crowd” or “If everybody would vote…
If the only way you can win an election is by preventing people from voting... yeah that’s not only pathetic, but the concept of democracy eludes you.
why is there a man in here