
I can boo AND vote!

Hideous men = beautiful.

The Trump brand is shit, Ivanka’s reputation is shit.

Just like taking twitter away from Donald, it’s too late for her. The Trump brand is shit, Ivanka’s reputation is shit.

I was up at four-thirty this morning because I kept having nightmares about Trump winning.

I’m drinking water and peeing every half an hour. HOWEVER, my stress-eating has kicked in like crazy. Last night I ordered two entrees of vodka rigatoni and ate them both. I also ate a slice of chocolate cake, a Twix bar, and three Halloween size M&M bags. This morning I ate 3 eggs and 4 slices of bacon, a protein

My boss is wearing a Ralph Lauren American flag sweatshirt to work today in honor of Donald Trump.

It’s my birthday tomorrow, so I’m drinking all the drinks and my husband is taking me to get oysters when he gets out of work.

“Whos is responcible?”

There are so many “toss-up” states going by recent polling that it’s terrifying enough. There’s a very good chance that Hillary wins but doesn’t get past 300, which would be the closest election since 2004.

The fact that the law exists is bad enough, but I can’t wrap my head around the idea of a mother wanting her teenage daughter to be arrested and face jail time for this.

I don’t know what’s worse, undecided voters or 3rd party voters. They’re both assholes but which is actually worse..

fivethirtyeight used to be my happy place...

Generally, I try to keep abreast of things (ha, ha.) But I’m not even going to watch this one. Among the most toxic legacies of Donald Trump’s campaign is the precedent he has set for the amount of bald-faced lying a person can get away with in a Presidential campaign....

The teen’s father told Buzzfeed he’d voted early for Clinton but regretted it, adding, “With the recent developments with my daughter, I can say that I would likely not have voted for either of these clowns if I had it to do over again.”

I hope the school administrators, the bullies, and the bullies’ parents live with this guilt until their dying days. Kids think this behavior is ok because someone models it for them.

The bullying element has grown SO much now that kids have technology at their fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used to you could go home and be safe from hate, but not anymore. Bullying (combined with mental health issues) is what landed my daughter in a psychiatric hospital last month with suicidal thoughts.

“But, but,’s not the gun’s fault. If a person wants to kill themselves they’ll find a way to do it.”

Also, fuck you people who espouse that logic.

So he proves that BLM protesters hate murdering cops.