
Damn it, that attitude is fucking dangerous. Hillary is not safe. She has not been elected. The polls are uncomfortably close, and encouraging people to pull this morally pure shit plays right into Donald’s teeny hands.

No, he’s really not sorry. What a walking cliche of ignorance this guy is.

You haven’t seen any because only one political party is being attacked by hackers trying to influence the election.

It’s bullshit. And at least Donna Brazile hasn’t ever assaulted a reporter.


There are a lot of idiots involved in politics. This is not a good look for Hillary, given that Trump has already painted her as “Crooked”.

GODDAMMIT. These WikiLeaks emails are making it REALLY HARD for me to continue to act holier than thou around my republican acquaintances. Get your shit together, democrats!

but Corey Lewandowski is still on the payroll.

I really hope I’m laughing at myself on Nov 9th... “what the fuck was i so worried about?!!?”

Omg no, this is not about Bernie. The DNC did not steal the election from him. It wasn’t rigged in favor of Bernie & it’s not rigged in favor of Trump. Just no with the conspiracies.

A web or VM client wouldn’t put the emails on your computer.

Right. And if its just a syncing thing, the only way these emails are different at all from the emails on her other devices she already handed over is if she had a secret plan of “conduct all nefarious scandal related business on my husband’s laptop!”

I feel like it’s the White House IT department that should be investigated, not Clinton.

I mean we don’t even know anything about these emails. If this causes an impact on the polls, some people were just looking for an excuse not to vote for Hillary.

News poll puts Clinton’s lead over necrotic jack-o’-lantern Donald Trump at a mere two points.

Wait, so I’m correct in understanding that the emails are not from Clinton? Which means they were sent *to* Clinton? Short of saying in an email to her, “Here’s that classified document you wanted so that you could sell it to Russia in exchange for that set of personalized Matryoshka dolls,” what relevance could this

It better fucking not. Rage!

THEY ARE NOT REOPENING THE INVESTIGATION! Stop with these misleading headlines and read Comey’s actual letter, a portion of which you posted here.

I’m really trying not to freak out here.