Words actually do have meaning, and what his words say are “Party loyalty comes before country or common decency.” Believe his words.
Words actually do have meaning, and what his words say are “Party loyalty comes before country or common decency.” Believe his words.
Except we know that Trump’s campaign is very thin on the ground. Compare Trump v Clinton in number of regional offices in swing states, in staffing, in fundraising, in expenditures. Perhaps the Trump campaign will be proven right that you don’t need to spend on ads, personnel, groundgame. We’ll see soon*.
I would even dare to say he looks tremendously sad.
mewling mayoboy
What a mess. I can’t imagine going against my daughter’s wishes and writing about her life if she didn’t want me to. That poor man.
I hate to say this, but calling the police because of a mental health issue is a bad idea these days.
Even if you don’t know Spanish, contra is used as a prefix in English. It still means “against” or “opposite of.”
Makes them stick to the roof of your mouth.
omg. her drunk brain thought “conservation group” = “conservative group”
Would he do this to a male anchor, and for that length of time?
Yeah, they were arguing over Syria and ISIS and she was making some good points and he was making some poor ones, so he’s talking under his breath at the mic while she’s trying to talk and says something like “Yeah, good luck with that. You’ll see, America.” It’s like the only time I’ve seen him break his blustery…
Chris Hayes brought it up at some point. I’m glad he did because I missed it. It was during one of the periods where I just had to mute the TV for my sanity.
I thought the same thing!
I totally caught this and was surprised it’s not being brought up. He basically conceded the election to her with that one.
Please Gloria, keep it coming.
I dunno. Is it just me, or does anyone else out there think that if there’s one person on Earth who could cost Clinton the election (including Assange, Putin, and O’Keefe), it’s Gloria Allred?
I know this is incredibly petty, but I think it would only be poetic justice if Trump stiffed her like so many thousands of others he’s employed over the years. It would serve her right for her cynical opportunism.
They’re never (thankfully) going to have the tragedy that the Kennedy’s had, I think her beauty and class while mourning is part of what made Jackie so iconic. It’ll be interesting to look back in 30-40 years and see if Michelle is considered a style icon as well.