His own party’s leadership seems to take this as “election fraud will be committed” and not “the media is pushing the country to Hillary,” as they’re telling him to cut it out because
His own party’s leadership seems to take this as “election fraud will be committed” and not “the media is pushing the country to Hillary,” as they’re telling him to cut it out because
Some people also interpret the political system as being rigged against third parties.
Gonna be hard to know, one way or another, on that one until the night of the 8th when we see if he concedes or continues to call it rigged.
Excellent point. It’s also infuriating, words mean what he says they mean, until they don’t.
IIRC, if they get 50 seats plus the White House, they can just nuke the filibuster entirely.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is an intersection of Amy Schumer fans and Trump voters.
Michelle Obama is so amazing even Glenn Beck was forced to praise her this week. I hope it pained him immensely to do so!
Did you read the article? Like, to the end?
I think my biological clock just exploded.
this is what happens when you have a candidate that actually does the fucking homework. She knew this as soon as he started polling well in the primaries, because her campaign actually did opposition research.
The most serious issue of this election is not Donald Trump. It’s people who support Donald Trump.
One of the worst things about this election is learning exactly what percentage of Americans are total monsters.
Why overhanded? WHAT IS THIS MAN?!
“We don’t care!” yelled supporters in the crowd
I know this is horrible to say, but I hope he has Cosby levels of accusers come out.
Maybe don’t tell a person to “chill,” it’s such a shitty thing to say to someone you don’t know. (Also shout out to the person who felt the need to ungrey that other comment telling me to chill in a shittier way. You really put me in my place). It’s shitty because you’re making it out like I’m hysterical rather…