
They’ve long passed the point of being able to stop him. Doing it now would require a vote of the RNC members, nearly all of whom are rabid Trump supporters. That’s why Priebus hasn’t jumped ship. He wants to keep his job, and a whiff of disloyalty would end him.

Looking at the gif it appears that the guy isn’t actually bearing weight on his knees or shins, but on his toes. like a psycho. why do they have to ruin crawling???

check out sam bee. i cannot recommend her show enough. it’s been my release valve.

That’s how old people type. That’s how we were taught.

I think it has something to do with being the “Alpha Male”. You know, the theory that if you have anything like “feelings” then clearly you are the inferior man and your spouse is getting banged by a real man. These idiots think they’re the “Alpha Male” and throw the word “cuck” out as an insult to belittle people

We get Michelle Obama’s inspiring oratory and these assholes get pranks and trolling.

Why is the alt-right so obsessed with cuckolding?

This is what deplorable means.

NO. Thats the type of thinking that keeps people from bothering to vote on election day. Trump needs to lose by a landslide, to show we dont want what he is selling. And downballot is even more important.

Ohio is a toss-up at this point, considering how unrealistic coal people want to cling to something that simply isn’t sustainable and how they’re pissed about Clinton telling them coal is over.

I realize this had been said, but sometimes I need to pinch myself when I realize this craziness is in the midst of a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, and not a simple case of a rich guy who said horrible shit.

Oh, also, this interaction between Donald and a ten yr old girl happened:

Oh for sure...she also blew up, famewise, towards the end and I always got the sense that David was a little jealous. I did like that David and Kyle both showed up on One Mississippi! I would have loved to see Aaron in the mix too.

She had trouble that goes beyond the hassles of trying to have kids while gay (adoption/sperm donors etc) because her body was like hey we don’t to use your parts and this sperm to make a baby and that really resonates with me because I want children DESPERATELY and I’m still too young to be worrying about it too

I first got acquainted with Tig via her (now sadly defunct) podcast, Professor Blastoff. Anyone other blastronauts here on Jez?

I am so fucking happy for her. She wanted to have a child so badly and now she has two! I’m just so happy.

Sure out of context. But she’s struggled really hard to have kids and find happiness, more so than most people in general, so for Tig fans it makes us happy to find some lightness in this dark world.

Tig Notaro is a goddamned national treasure.

Brendan - You forget that Trump also boasted, actually on 9/11 hours after 3000 people died, of now owning the tallest building downtown. Which was not only disgusting, it was also a bold faced lie. Trump’s 40 Wall didn’t become the tallest 70 Pine did. Sickening.

He’s unhinged. I just don’t understand what could possibly have made him so, so angry in the past few years. Even Rachel Maddow was questioning whether Giuliani seemed “off” in this election cycle.