These people claiming they are disgusted by his comments yet they still endorse him and will vote for him are so full of shit. They have no integrity.
These people claiming they are disgusted by his comments yet they still endorse him and will vote for him are so full of shit. They have no integrity.
Trevor Noah nailed this one perfectly: there is a massive difference between using obscene language to talk about your totally consensual sexual experiences and talking about sexually assaulting someone. Is the first one kinda shitty, depending on the situation? Yea. Do your friends probably want you to shut up…
My girlfriend and I were talking about this during the debate. Just like his homes, his suits look so, so, so cheaply made. He likely spends a ton of money on each suit, only to look like he’s wearing a suit that belongs to someone else.
Oh, god, I just want this to be over.
As someone who was at home during a home invasion, tied up, stuffed in my closet and threatened to be killed if the pin # for my debit card didn’t work, this is one of the few times I can sympathize with what a Kardasian is going through. Whatever your view on Kim and her family and how they do business, no one…
Oh, honey. You’ll be white trash no matter how much money you make. That’s all you’ll ever be.
I feel bad because you’re ignorant white trash. :(
I personally hope even after the election more and more shit keeps coming out about him. He doesn’t just deserve to lose, he deserves to have his life upended.
Mexicans what?
We don’t need to hear from both sides if one side is batshit crazy and their stance is indefensible. This is how Republicans are winning and manipulating the system. This is done for the sake of “good television,” and Trump supports get to go on the air and shout out talking points and memes to reinforce the “I hate…
He’s so fucking desperate. He has NOTHING now. Everyone already knows about Bill’s actions, and all it’ll do is rile up his base some more just like with everything else he says. He’s not winning anyone new and we’ll be lucky if he loses some.
I feel like the fact these women are willing to appear with Trump at a time when it’s perfectly clear what a vile shitpile of a human being he is speaks volumes about their character and motivations. I can understand why they’d hate the Clintons if their stories have as much as a grain of truth to them, and I blame…
It makes Trump looks guilty.
He is stupid petty little man.
In this case that’s true, of course they’re still trying to say because Hillary “tolerated” it’s her doing as well. But they’ve done the “What about Hillary” for the past 2 years now every time Trump or one of the other nominee hopefuls fucked up majorly.
Likewise. I want him to have zero chance of winning, not the 20% Nate Silver currently gives him.
The problem is that he’s so oblivious, he doesn’t seem to suffer even a shred of self-doubt, even as he’s being humiliated. But we can always hope!
“It’s not lewd, it’s sexual assault.”
I’m sitting here refreshing my browser... just waiting for the Apprentice tapes to leak. C’MON!!!