
Oh dang I didn’t know that.

He is a really ugly man. Not just repulsive because of his personality and actions but physically really ugly and repellant to look at. Hopefully he is destroyed in the elections and we no longer have to be assaulted by his disgusting face every day.

Hot damn. “Mr. Trump is rape culture’s blathering id, and Sunday night Hillary Clinton (who, no doubt, has just as many man-made scars as the rest of us) has to stand next to him on a stage, and remain unflappable as she’s held to an astronomically higher standard, and pretend that he is her equal while his followers

No, I think it’s just the depth of his depravity that’s astounding. Almost everyone by this point knew he was an ass, a racist, a misogynist - but even the most horrible person usually has some sort of redeeming features.

Today? Preparing. After the debate? I’m not sure what a 68 year old does to celebrate the feeling of christmas, new years, 3 birthdays, and your best orgasm combined into one amazing thing but I’m sure it’s going to be spectacular.

Perhaps the reason why this info is surfacing now is because it’s pretty much the point of no return. At any other time he might be replaced with an opponent with better chances of winning but now that people have started to vote already...

I can hardly remember what life was like before Trump and endless refreshing 538.

Oh how I want this to keep going. Let’s make this a month of disgusting revelation after revelation. It’ll be terrible for my blood pressure but it will save us all.

In my fever dreams, which are apparently coming true today.

i wish that was a promise. i don’t have much hope in nbc.

Bill Clinton isn’t running for President. Bill Clinton doesn’t fantasize about banging his own daughter. Trump is and does.

Yeah, Trump isn’t the problem. The shockingly high number of people who think Trump should be president is.

“We will discuss this more in the coming days.”

I have doubts he knows the meaning of the word.

I have solid evidence that chicks love the pussy

At this point, if you even THINK about making the argument that Hillary is just as bad as Trump, please remove yourself from society and just think about what you’ve done for a while.

Huh. I legitimately expected them to be worse than that.

I don’t think there is a bottom. He’s like a big cyst that gets squeezed and squeezed, but there’s always more pus and blood.

As a father of two young girls, I have this to say: it horrifies me that people who are looking at this fuckstick as “Dear Leader” are thinking that this is an appropriate way to treat women. Even if this piece of shit gets out of our faces, it’s too late. Pandora’s Box has been opened and it’s not getting shut.