
Big-time small-dicked dicks have no time for headlines.

“Call it boozefluenza”

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Well this is rather uncanny — I just sent this link to a friend this morning. You’re thinking of Dogs Decoded, and I particularly love the part you’re referring to (skip to around the 36-minute mark).

Unless you’re waiting for the judges to evaluate your landing, there is no reason to be standing with your feet that close together.

“When police did arrive at the house in the Spanish resort community of Cala Millor in Mallorca, they found her standing next to a pool of Henkels’ blood.”

I like this idea, perhaps adding to it scenes from Mardi Gras and the Nathan’s hot dog eating championship.

Yeah, but I bet none of them numbskulls knows how to compress images in Powerpoint.

Register your complaint with Wikipedia.

I saw a TV program on the Galileo probe which was pretty fascinating. Exercepted from its Wikipedia page:

He is a genuine fucking idiot, and he appeals to genuine fucking idiots. It’s just deplorable that he’s willing to put his ego ahead of the country’s stability, and moreover has the finances to do so.

Likewise, and likewise. The Terminator jokes are so, so stale. But it’s entirely plausible that, as a next generation to this robot, you could program it to more proactively avoid threats to the box — e.g. observe the approaching hockey stick and swing the box aside. It’s only one further step to instruct the robot to

But what happens if you drop it in the toilet?

What would happen if you put a tomato in there? For science.

I wonder how long GIMPS celebrated its finding before starting the process again.

I just trim mine with grooming scissors when they make their presence known. Might not get as even a cut but I’m not going for uniformity.

I just trim mine with grooming scissors when they make their presence known. Might not get as even a cut but I’m not

I wonder... do moon landing hoaxers also think the Mars rover photos are faked? Because these look even more Earth-like than the Moon photos.

This kinda blew my mind too, that PAINT could weigh that much. And then I quickly considered the number of cans of regular latex paint that would be needed to cover that thing, and how much just one of those weighs, and granted that’s also including the can, but still... impressive to consider.

The first half-dozen times I watched that first gif I didn’t even realize the sword was sheathed; I thought he was holding it straight out in front of him, mistaking the handle for the point of the blade.