Wild. Thank you!
Wild. Thank you!
“If you were actually hit with a 30mm round, your body would be turned into pink mist instantly.”
Weird, I just watched Drive Angry for the first time last night. And it was awful. But not fun awful, just sort of boring. If we’re looking to fill a “garbage action movie” slot, I’d give it to Smokin’ Aces, which was pretty bad but chock full of odd characters which kept it entertaining. I ended up multiscreening…
I don’t know why I keep reading these. They just make me angry at people with no outlet.
So many whites...neakers.
That hurts my hand to do. I’m trying it at my desk.
Good thing she doesn’t like Legos.
I’ve had my pair for about 18 years. My only complaint is the ear pads have started disintegrating. They still sound perfect though.
“These stories about my wife are simply untrue.”
It’s funny, we’re so consumed with getting to Mars and finding dried-up evidence of a microscopic organism that died a hundred million years ago so we can declare “WE FOUND ALIENS!” when we’ve got all manner of aliens right here on earth at the bottom of the ocean. Shit is almost certainly a lot weirder down there…
If it’s any consolation, and though it doesn’t sound like you need it, I had to google who he was. And I still don’t recognize him.
Strange that with all the technology required to make that happen, for the critical step he’s just dipping it by hand (and bare-armed at that). I would absolutely not trust my own steadiness to do that.
Also frustrating that it takes this much attention and backlash from the public, not to mention stubborn determination from the dash-cammer, to coerce them to simply review the evidence that might show they were wrong. Kudos to him.
Man she is really selling that wipe. Like, WWE-level projecting. I bet you could see that from across the stadium.
Great, just gimme a sec and I’ll help you guys carry it out.
Windows/Office 2013 still don’t have Helvetica installed, so they present it as Arial. Which is close, but just off enough to give a Times New Roman “I didn’t try” vibe.
But what does your name look like in Wingdings?