You think it’s bad now, wait until it’s Trump we’re talking about. Feel free to have your guy/gal step up. I think we’d welcome it.
You think it’s bad now, wait until it’s Trump we’re talking about. Feel free to have your guy/gal step up. I think we’d welcome it.
4 words: Sears Catalog Bra Section
If you could only find the right spot to stick the magnet on the back of the ONTV box, then there would only be a few wavy lines.
Cubs/Mets NLCS and Cubs/Jays WS (sorry baseball gods for getting too presumptuous). Holy fucking long ball.
That’s all fine. But as a 40 years-of-suffering Cubs fan, I’d rather they burn the whole thing down and salt the fucking earth under Wrigley than show me one more goddamned shot of Jim Belushi (and you can take Cusack and Vedder with you). The only shot of Jim Belushi I want to see is with a .30 ‘06.
Also, make sure you didn’t eat a lot of beets for dinner the previous night :-) I have had “beet pee” that was pretty bright pink.
Why yes, Bodyglide on your penis is really a thing. You only have to get chafed there once to understand.
The reason that the Cubs don’t have a home game is due entirely to the Colorado Rockies and Miami Marlins who went a combined 2-12 versus the Pirates. If either of those scrub teams could have eked out 1 more victory between them, we’d be playing at Wrigley tomorrow.
Totally agree.
No silly, it’s repeatedly dipping a wet mop in the disgusting bucket of used water and grime that makes it so much more sanitary and highly recommended.
They’re fine. There really isn’t the same history. Not everything needs to be offensive. Context people, context.
As a blue American, I’m offended that it wasn’t also included as an explicitly off-limits color.
Yes, it’s a little off-putting, but at the end of the day, you have to buy them somewhere (unless you check them out from the library, which is a perfectly cromulent option). Deadspin’s got to make a little money too.
Computers don’t drink drink as much as your average fan at Wrigley, but they would probably watch about the same amount of the game.
Be careful what you wish for. Once upon a time, a lot of Bears fans thought the Packers were beneath contempt because they were so bad for so long. My how that worm has turned.
Back in the day, it was a ton of traders and clerks from the Merc and the Board who went up to Wrigley when trading ended at 1. Most of those people have been replaced by computers.
I thought Lloyd Braun was strictly chewing gum and computer sales?
Who is it who’s profiting? The prison dairies, etc are run by the Colorado Dept. of Corrections (i.e. not private prison companies). They sell the products (goat milk, in this case) at a market rate. The cheese-makers are private companies and can sell for whatever prices they want—just as they would if they bought…
Have you already seen the movie, or are you basing your comments off the trailer(s)?