How about just laying off the Puking Pastilles?
How about just laying off the Puking Pastilles?
Looks like Grog Knots
As a lifelong Cubs fan, I’m steeling myself for something in the 81 range.
I guess it’s nice of you to call the Devil Rays “They Who Should Not Be Spoken Of.” They’re finally getting some respect.
I love me some J. Kenji Lopez-Alt.
We won’t really know until the next conflict breaks out.
I think everyone’s complaints have all boiled down to it being “too vanilla.”
Thanks for checking in, Donald.
Yes. In Denver it’s been an actual thing for a couple years. The official Girl Scout executive-types just sort of look the other way.
I’m ambivalent. That grating Minnesota/UP accent and the weird sanctimony about certain home renovations are a turn off, but the self-made, knowledgeable carpenter woman aspect is definitely hawt. Plus the “smart glasses” she sometimes wears.
Actually, that is often how politics works. If there was no Perot to vote for, many of those people would have still voted, and (according to the exit polling) their second choice would have been Bush most often.
Maybe, maybe not. Don’t forget that Ross Perot took roughly 20% of the vote in that election, and the assumption is that he took much more from Bush than Clinton. Look at the states where Perot took 20%+ of the vote and Bush only lost by a few percent. In the alternate universe where Perot didn’t run, we probably…
How was “daddy’s presidency” failed?
You aren’t giving Kroenke (Josh) enough credit. The Kroenkes don’t really seem cut out to manage professional sports teams.
Gawker Media, and its writers, is literally the least self-aware entity and group of individuals that I have ever encountered. There is no shame in their world. There is no such thing as “pot calling the kettle black.” There is no understanding of hypocrisy. There is also very little actual journalistic integrity or…
We’ve hit the point in this world where there is no longer a single thing that doesn’t give offense.
That’s what’s nice about first on a 757. First class to the left, everyone else to the right. Back when I used to travel a lot and get upgraded a lot, 757 first was about the best domestic experience.
Rowers? How about the open-water swimmers and triathletes? Are these events in lakes that are less polluted? Let’s hope so, otherwise there may be some dead swimmers in September.
I can guarantee you that you could not repeatedly taste the difference between pizza made with NYC water and other water. You may have found a good pizza place (or two), but it had nothing to do with the quality of NYC tap water. It may also be the placebo effect, which is valid, but has no actual impact on being able…