
...soooo ummm...on an unrelated note...anyone here a young virgin...?

hahaha that's like me! Everyone thinks I'm a raging freak because I have no problem reading strange things when I don't have those fetishes, but the sincerity! Someone really likes this!!

....Oh wait you said that's NOT your fetish.....huh.....screw it i'm still leaving the GIF up.

This is why I spend so much of my time reading fanfic. It keeps me away from (and simultaneously deep, deep inside) the most annoying parts of the internet. For example, I just read one where the tag "anal fisting" was directly followed by "marriage proposal." Captain America getting fisted is literally better than

"my phone is giving me early onset arthritis"

A true phenomenon that can occur from persistent folding of the skin from repetitive motion—like looking down at your phone or laptop computer.

Thank god I invested early.

For me, I will admit that I absolutely do judge when other women use 'pregnancy brain' as an excuse for being a moron in a professional setting or not getting their work done. It makes all of us look bad, pregnant or not. For every woman that just keeps her head down and does her thing while pregnant, it seems like

Ah, the old, "sexism isn't real because women shouldn't admit they are victims unless they were sexist against themselves making them the true sexists!" mindfuck.

I feel so bad saying this but I agree with you. I was pregnant at work, restaurant manager, 6 days off a month and 50-55 hour weeks. Never missed a day, no morning sickness, no snowflakeyness. I still had to put the damned trucks away. And my water broke at work in the kitchen for God's sake.

Sounds like your co-worker is a crap employee and your boss is a crap boss. That sucks, for sure.

Patriarchy is a set of values and standards that we all enable and we can all change, yo. It benefits men more than women while fucking us all over, but patriarchy /= men. Stop thinking men == patriarchy and you'll freak out a lot less.

I would've answered with 'Once was enough.' If she's asking inappropriate questions, give her the answer she wants to hear least of all.

My boss has treated me like a mentally challenged invalid since I told her I was pregnant. And over-shared about her own fertility problems. And made jokes like that my opinions about her proposed color scheme for the new meeting room can't be trusted because I'm pregnant. Fuck off

The Dweck study that's linked above actually addresses the issue of how praise affects kids' perseverance, and it was pretty remarkable how much of an immediate negative effect intelligence-based praise had. The reasoning was that if you praise intelligence above work, you are contributing to an idea of

Peaking early is kind of alienating. I wish I had better social skills (I didn't practisr that nearly enough when I was little because I was too preoccupied with getting positive reinforcement from reading difficult books and generally being intellectually advanced)

Yah, I think most gifted children probably grow up to be entirely unremarkable adults. I learnt to read when I was two and had an adult reading age while I was still in primary school - at 27, the ability to read to an adult level is much less impressive. Sorry, childhood teachers: I grew up to be reasonably smart but

I think this applies to a lot of people. Some kids have an aptitude and pick up some skills really fast. This can lead to a lot of "Oh, you're going places..." but some people just have a knack for picking things up, and then everyone else catches up (or since they only had the aptitude praised and never the effort,

Ah yes, but I'm sure we all know, "A nun is more responsible for rape than a boy."

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