this is too cute. the gentleness of the beekeeper and that bee's little leg high-fiving...ugh!
this is too cute. the gentleness of the beekeeper and that bee's little leg high-fiving...ugh!
And the commercial was done live? Kinda like a stage play? I kinda want Conan O'Brien to have an episode where all the commercials are performed live.
I think what bothers me most is how *insanely* pedantic it is. They could say, "shoulders must be covered by sleeves or a sweater, dresses must be fingertip-length" in as few words as they use on the men. It may still seem a little ridiculous (oh no, shoulders!), but the facial hair and earring ban for men is a bit…
I thought that too, but then again, perhaps it's not pain so much as her being raised better: that she has a resistance to even saying the word "ugly", because she knows you shouldn't direct that word at people and she doesn't even want to refer to it? Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part, due to not wanting…
That got me too. It has to be heartbreaking as a parent, that first time your little baby experiences emotional hurt from someone saying something cruel to them.
Then why not say "Dress slacks or skirts longer than finger tip length. Shoulders must be covered"?
The boys start so young, eh? Girls are wonderful.
Come high school, that little boy will regret that statement. What a beautiful and confident little lady!
Kids these days. Negging earlier and earlier.
This is a textbook case of "Parenting Win". That this young lady has learned this lesson at such an early age and has the capacity to respond with that amound of poise speaks volumes about how she is being raised.
Oh my god the pause and the actual pain in her eyes, though, right before she repeats that he said "ugly." I am torn to pieces.
No, you're crying. Shut up.
I wish we could all be so quick to have a come back when people are rude to us. I'm approaching 40 and still have a hard time with it. Good for her!!
Agh, yes, that tiny moment of vulnerability - I'm glad her mother wanted to show her how proud she is of her standing up for herself.
Yes, that pause choked me up a little. :(
Her little pause before saying the word "ugly" killed me. I know she had this awesome retort, but you could tell she thought it was a bad word, and it hurt her a little bit. I'm glad she has an awesome momma who encourages this good self esteem.
What a little sweetheart, and so right. Looks shouldn't matter.
She's not here to make fashion statements. She's here to learn!