Sisqo- The Thong Song. He's not a band, but honestly, I would have to strangle him with my own thong if this happened to me on a flight.
Sisqo- The Thong Song. He's not a band, but honestly, I would have to strangle him with my own thong if this happened to me on a flight.
311 doing that fucking cover of Love Song would definitely cause me to commit mid-air homocide
Art Garfunkel. Because you'd have to sit there and be respectful because of who he is but still listen to his horrific warbling and know that somewhere, Paul Simon is laughing his ass off at you.
O- Town, Limp Bizkit, Nickelback, Creed (sorry had to!), One Direction, The Wanted, Justin Bieber.
Oh god, I forgot about 3rd eye blind. It was actually kind of nice. Farewell ignorant bliss, until the passage of times thankfully snatches them from my mind again.
My feelings about hearing anybody sing on a plane are the same about the same but on the subway... FUCK NO. I don't care the singer on the band is the greatest thing on earth since dark chocolate 70% cocoa, the space is to tight and the sound bounces horribly. that is no place for an uncalled public perfomance D:
It was either that or smash mouth.
I'd storm the cockpit and crash that plane myself.
Pistols at dawn, Lioncat. I shall prove your villainy upon your body.
Also no inflight proposals, no safety demonstrations choreographed to overplayed Top 40 hits, and, for the love of God, no "raps" OF ANY KIND, ON ANY SUBJECT, from any members of the flight crew. Ever.
This one time on a flight from LA to Birmingham, a mother and her young son were listening (and singing along to) Bon Jovi on one of those portable iPod speaker systems. After I and a ton of other passengers complained for maybe the hundredth time (and listened to "Living on a Prayer" for the like the thousandth), the…
There should be an airline for people who don't care about gimmicks. I don't want to rush to fight for a seat. I don't want to hear anyone singing on my plane. I don't want social seating. Reasonable fares, comprehensible fees, on time service, and as much quiet as can be reasonably expected from a large group of…
I just read the blog to see what you're talking about, and yeah. No thanks.
No matter how they do it, it's all going to come down to one person's word against the other so much of the time. I'd be inclined to err on believing the person in the photograph since all the possible harm falls on them. It's hard for me to see how somebody could be hurt by not being allowed to put a naked photo of… must verify your identity and then prove you didn't consent...