
LOL "One weird trick..."

That makes a lot more sense, but I still feel like it's sort of ambiguously worded. *shrug* Gawker Media (lack of) Editing in action.

Fair-trade/ethically sourced cocoa is important. Thanks!

I cannot condone how many people are starring that monstrosity. 1971 Willy Wonka or GTFO.

I started off excited to see Tom Hardy as Max, but the more I see of it the more I'm excited to see Charlize Theron as Furiosa instead!

It's tragic when any pet doesn't get their need for derf fully met. :)

Cute article and nice use for 3-D printing, but correction for poorly worded sentence: tortoises and turtles never "grow out of their shells" the way a hermit crab might. The structure of the shell is bone, and fused to their spinal column/ribs. The outer portion is keratin like our fingernails and hair. As she grows,

Grood! I mean good. And great. Great and good. :)

*crosses fingers and hopes she just starred sarcasm*

It looks like I am hours late to reply to this, but for what it's worth I had a badly impacted (just slamming right into the inferior alveolar nerve on that side) wisdom tooth taken out under local only. The oral surgeon said, "We can either book you in for next week sometime if you want general, or I can do it right

Yes, I was SOOOO hoping for Jessica Williams to take over. She is phenomenal.

LOL!!! The credits start, and silhouettes of naked ladies come somersaulting out of silhouetted Cupcake Boobs...

Cannot. Stop. Laughing. at that perfect image. All the stars!

I haven't caught that one yet, I guess. That's disappointing. I hope he doesn't get type-cast. I know he's got more range than that and has played comedic and romantic roles, etc... Was (well, still am, it'll take more than a single internet opinion to sway me ;)) looking forward to seeing his take on a non-Moriarty

*shrug* No accounting for taste, eh? I liked that he was so different from what I'd been expecting (the typical Professor trope). Feel free to expound upon your criticisms if you want; I like hearing different opinions.

...which is especially bad considering all the biological weapons and nuclear waste these guys are always using! Tsk tsk... James could take down the whole organization with an anonymous tip to OSHA.

Yeah, I do feel awkward and kind of ridiculous nowadays if I wear more than a tiny bit and it's not for costume/dramatic purposes. Like, a little bit of lip color, maybe the smallest amount of cheek color, and a tiny amount of something done to my eyes? Sure, OK. Redonkulous vampire Cleopatra full-on-Goth eyeliner?

Amen to people just getting used to whatever your own "normal" is. I'd rather put forth no additional money/time/effort beyond "being clean" most of the time (like the majority of guys I know) and be accepted at that level, and then occasionally when the mood strikes or the occasion demands, get a surprised "wow you