Fair-trade/ethically sourced cocoa is important. Thanks!
It looks like I am hours late to reply to this, but for what it's worth I had a badly impacted (just slamming right into the inferior alveolar nerve on that side) wisdom tooth taken out under local only. The oral surgeon said, "We can either book you in for next week sometime if you want general, or I can do it right…
Yes, I was SOOOO hoping for Jessica Williams to take over. She is phenomenal.
Yeah, I do feel awkward and kind of ridiculous nowadays if I wear more than a tiny bit and it's not for costume/dramatic purposes. Like, a little bit of lip color, maybe the smallest amount of cheek color, and a tiny amount of something done to my eyes? Sure, OK. Redonkulous vampire Cleopatra full-on-Goth eyeliner?…
Amen to people just getting used to whatever your own "normal" is. I'd rather put forth no additional money/time/effort beyond "being clean" most of the time (like the majority of guys I know) and be accepted at that level, and then occasionally when the mood strikes or the occasion demands, get a surprised "wow you…
Yeah, everyone should be able to do whatever the fuck they want, whatever their gender, and not get shit for it from anyone else. It's not the actual leg-shaving I mind, it's the obligation.
I think it's an awesome name! Very unique, and pretty in a "sounds like a fictional character from another world" sort of way. I am curious how you pronounce her last name, though - does it rhyme with "pigeon"? Or is that a hard G?
And if she was truly "using the same level of professionalism", her next sentence would've been something along the lines of "You're a big doo-doo-head poopy-face stupid-pants who has cooties and I bet you eat poo and you smell like a poo and you love poo. So there! Ha!" I am just blown away by the childishness of the…
I disagree that vanity sizing is not a thing. I have never been below an 8 at mass-market brands normally sold at Target, etc, and the only times I've ever been a 6 (or that ridiculous 4!) were for much more expensive clothes. I guess I'll amend myself to say I'm skeptical that vanity sizing is not a thing; fully…
Yeah, even though I rationally know it's also a social construct (I mean, guys stay fluffy and seem fine with that) I "feel like" I do the armpits for myself, because it's gross to have a stubbly armpit scrapin' through the ol' deodorant, and I've never been able to put up with that long enough to see if I feel any…
LOL!!! It's never a bad time to reference obscure Star Wars characters.
Whoah I think you might be right! I thought he was going for "hurr durr durr her face looks like a labia" (???) but your theory makes more sense, in the limited sense of the word sense that can be applied to any of this. (PS - sense sense sense)
Outside of New York City, adults generally write polite, cheerful emails to one another...
Yeah, at first I was like, "Ban on hoop skirts??? WTF does that have to do w anything???" because the first thing I think of is, like, a Cinderella outfit or someone dressing up Gothic Lolita or something. Upon further reading, if these kids were engaging in plantation cosplay, then I agree, shut that down.
Huh. I didn't notice the no door part when I initially began lusting for such a glorious shower. However, if you can afford to have such an impractical shower in your house, you can afford to have the bathroom set up with a tropical micro-climate such that you won't feel chilly from your lack of door...
Hell, I don't have to walk into it - that picture alone is doin' something for me...