
Klaus is a delight, but I am firmly on your side with regard to the film.

This finally explains where the thundering music comes from in action movies. There's a whole set of bass drums (Japanese Taikos?) on a trailer being banged by some crazy hyped up dudes.

My favorites are on the ok list. Thanks.

You know, after seeing this trailer, it seems to me that the Mad Max franchise has finally gotten...beyond Thunderdome.

I haven't been this excited for a 'pokyklips' movie since, well, Beyond the Thunderdome.

The vast majority of all chocolate is sourced using child/women slavery.

On a slightly unrelated note, I kept pronouncing "underfed" in my head as "un-durft" instead of "under-fed" and I was so confused about what that could possibly mean. And then my brain started working again and I felt so ashamed.

They should change her name to "Devo."

44 pounds a day to reap the benefits? Challenge accepted.

Trader Joe's dark chocolate bars, refrigerated to bring out the snap and bloom of flavor. Once a couple of years back they had supply problems for a while and the TJ people told me of the massive moaning and incipient withdrawal symptoms in desperate TJ Dark Chocolate bar seekers (they still had the milk "chocolate"

New Mental Health Plan:


mmmm chocolate and wine for me pls. I'll have all of the flavonoids!

The 44 pounds would be chocolate candy. The alternative is 1 kilo/2.2 pounds of unsweetened cocoa powder. That's a bit much even for me. I can do a few squares of Lindt 70% cacao bars a day, but that's about it.