
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Texas forcing their ideas on other states was what I was thinking about. They buy such a large volume of books that other states have to go along with their “ideas”.

I wonder how many traffic cases have the cellphone records pulled for evidence in their case. Especially when it comes to texting.

Illinois requires hands free and texting isn’t allowed. May as well not even have the two laws.

Interesting article about professors writing books and then requiring their students to get the latest and greatest versions, which of course cost 200% more than the old versions.

What I’m most happy about is that these readers should eventually get to the point where k-12 will be able to provide them at little to no

A couple of towns in this area (NE Illinois) use beet juice to melt the ice and snow.

Certain places in Kentucky use alcohol.

Taking it a step further. I’ve gotten resumes from Indians who have their picture, family history, their level in the caste system, etc.

One other thing, that I personally don’t think is proper is when I see people list that they are doing volunteer work for various religious groups.

Again, as a recruiter, do you

As a recruiter. Some things I see on resumes all the time.

Do NOT put a picture on your resume. It is illegal for employees to base hiring on race and sex. Most of the time if a picture is on a resume, the potential employer is going to throw it away to insure they don’t have any legal issues.

Unless you are applying

Betty Crocker

#1 - Anything from America’s Test Kitchen, and I’ve got 4 of their cookbooks, probably repeats about 1/2 of their recipes from their other cookbooks. And lot’s of the recipes come from their magazine.
#2 - Joy of Cooking. Don’t know if it has been revised, I have an old copy, but many, many recipes are old

Dealing with sleep apnea for over a year now. Have had a CPAP machine for over 10 months.

On a scales of 1 = Horrible (fewer than 3 hours sleep), to 5 = Great sleep. I’ve had TWO nights of 5 and 24 nights of 4. The best I’ve ever done is THREE good nights of sleep in a row.

I want to throw the doctor and the machine

Sorry about the number. You’re correct there, but that doesn’t cover all of the federal employees and buildings, etc.

As far as gun control, I didn’t say anything about that. You want a gun, have a gun. Keep in mind though that most gun incidents are caused by family members or friends not against criminals.


I have an antique car. 1981 Triumph TR8. There were only 2,400 made (nearly all went to the US). So my guess is that there’s maybe half of those still on the road. Mine was one of only 34 made for servicemen coming back to the US.

On Ebay, cars that appear to be in about the same condition as mine are going for

So the fact that the DC police force has to protect 435 US politicians and LOTS of other federal employees and federal buildings has nothing to do with the number of police that they have.

Crappy self-defense laws? Proof? There is NONE.

I love how the NRA types equate “open carry” and other such laws with low crime rates.

Only ignores two things.
- Police departments.
- The fact that many of these states are extremely rural areas. Chicago, LA, NYC, etc. have larger populations than most states in this country.

Tennessee. My wife and I are nearing

Cheapest Amazon has it is for ~150.00. QUICKLY goes up to close to $200.00.

I’ll take yours for $99.00.

Cheapest Amazon has it is for ~150.00. QUICKLY goes up to close to $200.00.

I’ll take yours for $99.00.

I’m a recruiter. I’ve been one for 10 years.

There are some companies that have internal percentages that they go by (typically low). You simply have to be willing to walk away if the offer is too low.

The biggest exception that I’ve seen to the rule is for people who have upgraded their skills significantly. Example.

US Rep. Stephen Fincher. Claims a net worth of nearly $1,000,000.00. Doesn’t value his farm. Says he has no other assets such as savings, stock, etc. Was still able to lend his campaign $250,000.00.

From 1999 to 2012, he collected $3,500,000.00 in cotton farm subsidies. That leaves out his $174,000.00 Congressional

Um. I realize where you might be coming from.

That being said, I only deal with jobs that are Manager level up to President in the food ingredient industry.

Don’t find many people working in the factories becoming President. Not meaning anything derogatory to non-professionals.

One piece of advice.

When you purchase an antenna, such as the Mohu Leaf, make sure that you can return the product if it doesn’t work in your area.

While I live well within the mileage range of the amplified Leaf, the trees, etc. around me make it impossible to get more than one of two of the OTA channels. Chicago

When you look at the progression of science over the last decades when it comes to detecting chemicals, there have been tremendous strides that have been made.

So hasn’t XXXX chemical always been in our water, it’s just that we were never able to detect it before because we couldn’t detect chemicals at that small a

Quoting the “Food Babe” about anything about food is like quoting Rush Llimbaugh about the truth.