
Don’t throw away the rinds from Parmesan cheese. Freeze a bunch. Then add them to soups, stews, etc. to boost the flavor. (Canned spaghetti sauce?)

Many years ago.

Went out of town for an all day interview with a VERY large corporation.

First interview was with the HR Manager. This was for a management position.

Maybe 1/2 hour into the interview, the HR Manager started talking about how I should look at such and such area to live, how I should look at these

Thank you. YES that was it.

At least for me, that works better than anything else I’ve ever tried.

Can’t find the video.

Finely chopped onions. What the guy did was peel off the first 2 layers of the onion and then FLATTENED them. Then he juliened those two layers. Then he was able to finely cut those strips.

Never had the cut the half onion into strips, then slice and then finally cut. Trying to cut thin strips

Don’t know if anyone else has this problem, but anytime I’ve ever tried cooking bacon in the microwave I’ve lost all of the smoke flavor from the bacon. Yuck.

About 1/1,000,000th of the trolls posting things that have nothing to do with the article.

Yes and no. An apple in a tree is exposed to the same bird poop that a spice drying on the ground is exposed to. However, you can wash the apple. You can’t/don’t was spices that have already been dried.

Just trying to point out that foods you “think” are safe may not be as safe as people think.

You can buy “organic”

A local grocery store is KNOWN for having some of the lowest pricing in the entire NW suburbs of Chicago. Literally people come from tens of miles to shop there. We live just a few blocks away.

We learned VERY early on to check the expiration dates. Nearly everything, canned goods included, are always close to their

As a recruiter a piece of advice.

STOP telling people what you are responsible for, unless the numbers are relevant such as you supervising 100 people. Nearly 100% of chefs are responsible for preparing meals.

Tell people what and why things make you different than the other people who do the same job as you. Companies

Um. Since I’m not a lawyer, I don’t have the legal reference, but I can tell you it’s a fact. Don’t know where you work, but ask your HR department about it. They’ll verify it.

I personally had a previous boss who was doing that, despite the fact that I was their top salesperson. ONE call to HR stopped it. Again. A

Two things. I’m a recruiter.

- In most states it is illegal for a former boss to actually give you a bad reference. They are preventing you from getting a job, which is illegal. Most of the time, they can only say that you worked there and what the dates were that you worked there. If you find out that they are giving

I’m a recruiter in the food industry. One of the best (no financial interest) for the industry is “Careers In Food”.

Anyone who has ever taken a chemistry class knows that the only accurate way to reproduce a compound is to do it by weight. In general I find only two types of cookbooks that do that. Bread - I make all of my own breads (although some still give you the one cup nonsense). European cookbooks.

One other thing. If you

In the one case I was referring to, while the company is a public company, it has been family controlled for nearly 40 years. Micromanaging is the prime issue. In about the last 10 years, they’ve had 6 of the 8 presidents of the one division quit.

They are now one of the highest paying companies in their sector of the It used to be a very valuable tool for job seekers when trying to find out about companies and what employees thought about the companies. 5 star rating. Initially, the system was such that the ratings could be relied on as long as there were enough of them. i.e., if there were only 5 reviews of a

I’d LOVE to know who does the taste test for this stuff.

Have been buying Nueskes for years. They actually do distribute in the Chicago area although only at some high end stores. One year they had a kiosk at one of the local malls at Christmas time.

Oscar Mayer isn’t even close, nor are the others. Food Network rated Nueskes very high. Oscar Mayer wasn’t even on their list.

Then why did you make the comment “. . . you can “wake it up”?

Don’t blame me for correcting something that you say you know something about when apparently you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Have a great day with your flat beer. Mine never sits around long enough to get flat.

The carbonation that you get from beer is the yeast eating the sugar and giving off alcohol and CO2. When you get to the end of the fermentation, all of the yeast is essentially dead. They’ve eaten all the sugar they can and there’s no yeast left.

You might re-carbonate it, but you aren’t going to reawaken the yeast

I called on Miller for many, many years and I’ve brewed my own beer. The CO2 tanks are to move the beer from the kegs to the glass. It’s not to carbonate that beer. Think of the kegs you get for a party that you have to pump. If you don’t have enough pressure, you don’t get much beer coming out, but it’s still