
Right on. And magnetic knife racks aren’t usually just flexible sheet, which is relatively weak. They sport large alnico magnets with concentrating pole pieces (the metal strips above and below the actual magnet).

Dogjudge, I always say, accomplishments, not responsibilities.

Well, maybe not our year, but heading in the right direction.....

I’m tempted to star all your comments... not because I’m also in the food science industry, but because you’re spot on with your comments.

The site does actually stipulate the following right below the chart:

Oh my God. I actually thought that Arsenic was used as a sweetener.

The three coat one was the original—but that one is actually supposed to be able to withstand more!

I haven't heard of them. The best bacon I've ever had is Nueske's from Wisconsin. They don't distribute much outside of WI, but we order by the 10-12lb slab now online and it's ~$70-$80 shipped. Amazing stuff, and you can slice it as thick or thin as you want before freezing in small bunches.

Sheesh. I'm glad you didn't try to help them shoehorn some poor guy into that position. I had to sit the HR person down at my last job and tell her that for the work they want done, their next hire will be expecting at least $45-50K, and anything less, they won't get someone with the experience they were hoping for. I

I agree - I'm in HR too and I think though a company may say they want you to start right away, that's just them wishing and hoping. If you said "I want to respect my old employer and need to give them notice," they can't really argue with that - they would want the same thing from their staff, and if you didn't

I also work in the flavor industry and I concur, especially with using grain alcohol over vodka if your going for a clean tasting vanilla. Better quality beans really do mean better extracts, so stick with Madagascan Bourbon. Keep in mind Bourbon Vanillas refer to the bean, not type of alcohol used in extracting the

Imagine every self - important narcissist on the flight yammering away on their phones, with nowhere to get away from the babble. I'm glad with the rule the way it is. I wish they'd install jammers in planes and theaters.

If the kids have meaning to you, send them something. I would consider not showing up and having a potential "scene" happen part of that gift. A card starting with "Regardless of what's happening between your parents and us..." Probably covers the rest of the bases.

You also most likely weren't paying attention when this went down a few years ago and Amazon was highly upset. They even stopped selling the hardcovers and paperback editions of several of the publishers involved in the push to the agency model.

Not sure if the Chevy Vega in the "World's Largest Time Capsule will fare too well, with such terrible rust issues.