
And good luck at trying to get a spouse to go along with your purge.

My wife’s typical remark, “Why is it that you only want to throw away MY stuff.”

Maybe because you’re the one who keeps hoarding things!

Not a clue.

The research I saw. Homing pigeons had frosted contacts put over their eyes. Then small electromagnets placed on their heads. They’d then go in one direction.

When they finally did get them, they’d reverse the electrical flow, which reverses the polarity and they’d go the opposite direction.

I’m a recruiter. I’m only going to mention the financial side of things.

If you go down this road keep some things in mind.

Health insurance. It isn’t unusual for corporations to pay $500.00/month for health insurance per individual. Make sure you check what that’s going to cost you.

Social Security, Medicare, etc.

Research I did a LONG time ago in college.

Birds can navigate, as in migrate, via magnetic waves.

You’re mising the real world.

The airlines could care less about passengers being comfortable.

If they did, reclining seats would be eliminated.

Great book!

One of the early lines, which is also one of the best. “There’s always pizza.” i.e. don’t be afraid to screw up.

“In the entire history of the world there has ever only been two examples of monopolies that originated and existed for a time without government intervention,. . . “

Guess you missed the Communist block. Guess you missed many companies in Europe.

Apparently in YOUR partisanship you don’t understand that the purpose of

Written word is extremely hard to convey satire. Usually people put satire on the post.

On the surface it simply implies you despise President Obama.

No they were NOT in the process. Avian flu for example was not being looked into.

Making a product affordable? You mean like the guy who raised the drug price by 5,000%? Perfectly legal by government regulation, or lack thereof. Want to guess who got that through.

Also, might want to look up the LEGAL process of drug

You might want to re-consider your comment.

From the US Energy Administration website.

“The United States exported about 4 MMb/d of crude oil and petroleum products in 2014, resulting in net imports (imports minus exports) of about 5 MMb/d in 2014. Net imports accounted for 27% of the petroleum consumed in the United

Guess Obama’s last eight years shows how much you don’t know.

The rich have gotten MORE wealthy under Obama than the poor.

It’s working the exact opposite way.

But you’ll never convince people who can’t think for themselves to verify that.

Actually in 2005, the Federal government spent 25 Billion helping the drug companies find new drugs. Once the drug is found, the drug company owns the drug.

It’s because the government realizes that they need to keep the country safe from diseases for which there is no know cure and if the disease came here, it would

Explanation of why trickle down works? Oh that’s right. This would prove that trickle down doesn’t work.

Voter fraud by the Republicans. No surprise.

So how many of you were out there complaining about the $4.00/gallon price of gasoline putting tens and tens of people out of work?

I’m 67. I’ve gotten to watch every gas crisis we’ve had. Price of gas goes up to a $4.00 level and Americans buy fuel efficient vehicles and start being energy conscious. Goes to under

USAF ‘67 to ‘71 in case anyone starts.

The DOD spends MORE US taxpayer money than any other program. Even all of its budget isn’t shown, since all of our nukes go into the Department of Energy Budget.

We’ve been spending more on defense (almost) than the rest of the world COMBINED. This has been going on for decades.

Keep in mind that Michelle Bachmann bought the Iowa straw poll. One of the reasons that Iowa dropped it.

There’s nothing preventing any candidate from buying a caucus.

Based on the article, I got Susan Roberts book as an e-book. About $3.00.

Sorry, but she DOES focus on calories. Her diets are based on a person’s weight and they she gives you the number of calories per day that you’re allowed.

The other primary part of here dies is high fiber and low carbs. She wants Americans to eat

Um. You pay a fee for delivery of gasoline. It’s built into the price of the gasoline.

That happens in EVERY business that sells a product.

They don’t charge you to enter the store.

Utilities do NOT charge you to have an account. They charge your for the product.

What are you talking about?

You don’t pay either utility in order to buy their services.