
Keep in mind that for most of your list, you have to add the flavoring AFTER carbonation.

Carbonation for beer comes from yeast and sugars fermenting. Flat beer? My guess is that you’re not going to be happy with the taste. Since bars are already carbonating Coke, etc. it would be better for them to carbonate the

I’m 67. Initially, born and raised Southsider. Sox fan. At 12 my Southside uncle converted me to be a Cubs fan.

Rued the day ever since.

“This is our year.” Know how many times I’ve heard that?

Not even close. Cubs.

Build a swimming pool next to Lake Michigan.

Given its location, I’m sure the city of Chicago could get a LOT of $$$$ for it. Landfill and then a building.


“. . . inefficacy of the FDA.” “. . . there has not been any concerted effort to determine . . . “

Sorry, but by that logic, companies would go out of business before ever bringing a product to market.

Have you ever been involved with a FDA direct GRAS approval for an item versus a self-affirmed GRAS approval? I have.

Thanks. But if you look at the chart, they come up with a negative for just about everything. Pesticides in honey. Well, by that logic, every sweetener that comes from a vegetable source potentially has pesticides and other things such as bug parts, etc. in them.

Xylitol. They mention that it’s good for your teeth and

Okay. I work in the food ingredient industry. I agree that too much sugar isn’t good for anyone, but if you go by this table, nearly everything is bad for you, including arsenic and mercury.

Sorry, but this chart is more than a little bit over the top.

I’m confused.

If you need an OTA antenna (I’m also in a dead zone), then why does this bring you any more than the OTA and an X-Box One would bring you?

It isn’t going to allow you to drop cable.

Whenever you get generalities by state, the numbers become somewhat meaningless. Not totally, but somewhat.

New York. Living in rural New York has a significantly lower cost of living than living in Manhattan. So the numbers for low, medium and high? Eh.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, you have places where there

For one thing they help marginalize states such as Texas from forcing publishers to use Texas’ book requirements outside the state of Texas.

Because of the number of books that the Department of Education in Texas purchases, publishers are less likely to change the content of the books for a state such as Iowa. So when

Cost vs. savings.

I can buy a LED bulb for about $8.00.

Don't know the economics of electrical costs of a 60 watt bulb, but it seems to me that with a 10% electric savings, you're going to have to run a graphene bulb a VERY long time to make up a $12.00 difference.

Michigan for example.

While nearly all of the country base their state electoral college votes on the plurality of how the state goes, Michigan is trying to proportion the electoral college votes to marginalize the fact that if the state goes blue because of the urban areas, then their candidate will still get some

Tell me ONE thing that I posted that was incorrect. ONE.

Chrysler had a prototype turbine car in the 60s.

In addition to mileage, the BIG issue was exhaust heat. If anyone parked near your rear end, you'd burn away the front of their car.

It will never happen.

The Republicans can only get elected when various groups stay away from the polls, or are not allowed to vote.

Republicans are already trying to rig the presidential elections in states with high populations of Democrats by making electoral votes proportional.

All of the states should be playing

I work in the food ingredient industry.

While we're our own worst enemy in certain areas, such as whether coffee is good for you, or bad for you, as an example.

Nearly every day, you get some crackpot who tells everyone how they're going to die from something, or how big business is keeping some product off the market.


Those who don't think like normal 70 year olds.

I'm 67. I know quite a few people.

I used to fly over 100,000 miles per year some times. Traveled for 30+ years.

My FAVORITE. Woman next to me in coach. Beverage cart came down the aisle. Flight attendant asked her what she wanted. My guess is that this was her first flight ever.

"Harvey Wallbanger". Everyone just rolled their eyes to keep from laughing.

I've also brewed my own beer at home.

I also have the advantage of calling on the two largest breweries in the US.