
The WORST situation I've ever had to deal with.

My boss was demoted and then reported to me. From day one, he was constantly trying to undercut me and my authority. He, thankfully, eventually self-destructed and my bosses fired him.

No argument. But it is still used in some of the smaller wine producing countries and it WAS used in the US.

They are called fining agents.

Article is about Evian using fining agents (blood) for their water. That was untrue. They do go on to mention the use of dried blood as a fining agent in wine.…

My wife and I are going to retire, and move, in about 2 years. We've lived in NE Illinois for about 35 years. Our county is the 3rd highest taxed county in Illinois. Stayed here because of jobs.

One of the primary reasons our property taxes have been so high in the past 25 years? Sears. They moved their corporate

I've worked in the food ingredient industry for 30+ years. There are additional reasons I'm glad to see nutrition labels on alcoholic beverages beyond simply listing calories.

I don't know the current regulations, so please excuse these if I get them wrong. I'm going on what used to be when I called on both the hard

Reasons I don't like OSB.

It isn't as strong when it comes to being screwed together.

Any time I've used it for applications outside, it's useless.

For many of these. And most of the suburbs around me.

I want to see what happens if they have a true emergency and have to evacuate a large area.

Now playing

I'm 67. My uncle converted me from being a Sox fan to a Cubs fan when I was 12. I live in the Chicago area. Only thing that I ever despised the man for.

I live 40 miles from downtown Chicago. You're not the only one who can't get over the air stations. As a youngster I remember relatives who really lived in the boonies who had antennas on 40 high towers and then had motors on the antennas so they could try to get the best signal.

Not necessarily so. I live about 40 miles from downtown Chicago.

Other than putting up a very large antenna, which I refuse to do, I've tried multiple HD antennas, such as an amplified Leaf 50. No luck.

America's Test Kitchen on using salad dressings for marinades.

"Due to high levels of acidity, salad dressings don't add complex flavor and only make meat mushy. Plus, they are laden with sweeteners, stabilizers, gums, which add a gelatinous consistency and unnatural flavor."

Cooks Illustrated, May/June 2009

Thanks. I realize that, I was trying to come up with something that was extremely time sensitive for businesses.

My guess is that there are businesses out there that are stuck with slow speeds.

Thanks again.

So why are US corporations putting up with slow internet speeds? Wall Street in particular.

Billions of dollars can be made with the few minute shift in the price of all sorts of financial instruments.

So if a Wall Street biggie is playing with markets in Japan, his competitors have an advantage because of the

One of the first people to detect cancer was Duane Pickel from Florida and his Miniature Schnauzer. Duane is a friend. He started using his dog to detect cancer in about 1995. Duane is a friend.

His dog was able to detect cancer cells significantly before doctors saw anything.

I work in the food ingredient industry. Despite electronic noses being on the market, they are still not as sensitive and selective as a dog's nose.

Pregnancy. It could be done. Just don't know that there's a demand for it. You'd have to go to the owner of the dog.

Given dog training that I do, the price would probably

And you base your assumption on exactly what? How many recruiters have you worked with, or personally know.

Prior to being a recruiter, it was MY responsibility to separate the good ones from the bad. It doesn't take a lot of work.

As far as all of your other perceived biases, are there a very small number of companies

Sorry, but you're using the wrong recruiters if that's the type of reply you're getting.

I spent 30 years selling ingredients before becoming a recruiter. I've been a recruiter for about 10.

In general, I put recruiters into two categories. Ones who simply throw as many resumes at a company as possible and could care


I'm glad your dog is working out for you.

I'm 67. I'm an obedience judge for both the AKC and ASCA. I've taught competitive obedience for 25 years. I, and my students, have multiple OTCH dogs and multiple dogs that have competed at the AKC Invitational.

If you'd like me to tell you why service dog "classification"

Process is.

- At a sit teach the dog to look at you.
- At a sit add distractions of higher and higher levels and teach the dog to look at you.
- At a stand . . .
- Take one step . . .
- Take two steps . . .
- Walk a straight line for 10 feet.
- 20 feet.
- 50 feet.
- 100 feet.
- Add corners
- Add about turns
- Add figure eights


Actually used for competitive dog training.

In competition, you want the dog's focus on you, specifically your face. You want to have a way to train them to do that and not to look at your hand for treats.

Simple. Clip a binder clip to the top of your shirt at your shoulder. Then fold the legs back and put the treat