
THE dumbest one that I've seen on some of the discussion lists.

Tried to get them to understand by using the example of DISH cutting off FOX. Then went on to explain that Comcast blackmailed Netflix so Comcast could get more money, because Comcast was essentially cutting off Netflix.
NO! With net neutrality, the

It's simple. I've got two college degrees. One in chemistry, and one in biology.

I've worked in the food ingredient industry for 30+ years. All of the ingredients I sold were functional ingredients. Such as modified food starches. We had about 150 that were used for a variety of applications. One might gel at 50

Sorry, but you're changing what the author says. Put in twice the sugar, and shake for twice as long and viola.

The link that you have given is irrelevant to what the author has said.

At NO point does she say that she gets a little undissolved sugar no matter how long she shakes. Those are YOUR words.

And NO, it is

So when smoking was at its height in this country, there was no such thing as a smoking epidemic?

It's the difference between epidemic as a noun and as an adjective.

Smoking is an epidemic is not true since it's being used as a noun.
Smoking has reached epidemic proportions IS true because it's being used as an

From the beginning of the article. "But if you don't have a heat source readily available . . ."

The end of the article. "another variation of simple syrup that's two parts sugar to one part water — will also work if you double the shaking time to about 4 minutes. When making rich simple syrup, the sugar granules won't

Shaking can NOT compensate for the lower temperature. It doesn't make any difference how long you shake the jar. You can gently stir the solution for a minute, or two and get the same result.

Apparently you can't make the connection. The remarks ARE relevant to the article.

Financial security and Texas?

Texas has one of the highest number of people earning the minimum wage in the country.
According to The Commonwealth's Health Scorecard, Texas ranks in the bottom 1/4th of the country when it comes to healthcare.

So out of 5, Texas either ranks at the bottom, or near the bottom for 2 of

Sorry, but I don't care how much you shake it, you can't change the simple laws of physics and chemistry.

For any solid that is soluble in a particular liquid, the liquid will only hold a specific amount of that solid at any given temperature. You get to points where you are doing what is known as super saturating the

Make sure that SOMEONE knows your master password.

My business partner passed away Thanksgiving 2013.

He had his computer, all the business programs, website, telephone, and lots of other things locked with passwords.

When he died, no one could get into anything for quite a while. It was a disaster for his family and

Two issues about enforcement.

Over the years, the Republicans have attempted to marginalize the FDA and the USDA by continually cutting their budgets. Under W it was the worst. Even the industry started complaining about it.

Under W, the FDA lost 400 inspectors and had fewer inspectors than they did in 1972. (Source:

By law, what you're asking for has to be done. Functionally, the supplement people aren't always doing it. The big folks such as NOW, Sundown, etc. are doing it. It's the next level down that's the issue.

BTW. there are various ingredients where the allergans have to be declared, but the specific ingredients don't. The

Unfortunately, some of those things that get put out there can literally kill people. The easiest example would be something that causes an anaphilactic shock because of an allergic reaction.

Earlier in the month, NY attorney general, started going after the supplement folks. Of the products tested, four out of five

I've sold food ingredients for 30+ years. Some of them went into the supplement industry.

Supplements fall under the FDA's DSHEA regulations. Those regulations are next to useless. Essentially, they say that the ingredient won't kill you, but not much more.

With the exception of making statements such as, "Cures

Why not a Detomasa Pantera? They actually made them.

#1 - Don't remember if it was last year, or 2013, but Turner got into a fight with CBS. Now if you were CBS, wouldn't you do everything in your power to find an alternative to Turner to get your station transmitted.
#2 - Most of the majors don't own the stations. They provide broadcasting for a fee to local owners.

My kid gets the measles, even though they've been vaccinated (NO vaccine is ever 100% effective and babies can't have the vaccine) and has ONE adverse effect and my solution is simple.

I'm going to sue YOU for everything that you own.

147,000 deaths from measles in 2013, so don't tell me that kids in the US haven't died

I've lived long enough in the Chicago area to have seen Milwaukee, Chicago, etc. dump snow into the Lake. Even if you don't dump it into the Lake, they'll pile it up on the beaches.

Pollution? I'm not happy about it, but some time look at BP and what Indiana is allowing them to dump into Lake Michigan snow, or no snow.


I work in the food industry, I have a degree in chemistry and I am an avid cook.

- I DO have a scale.
- What the article doesn't mention is not all one cups of flour weigh the same. Flour can hold varying amounts of water. Similarly, things can be affected by temperature. A cup of water at 33 degrees F would overflow if

I work in the food industry, I have a degree in chemistry and I am an avid cook.

- I DO have a scale.
- What the

Outside, vested, forces will also kill the anti-vaccine movement (pun intended).


As soon as one lawyer is able to narrow the sicknesses of many to one, or two individuals, let the lawsuits fly.

A grammar school where an epidemic happens would be a great example.

And as with allergic reactions to vaccines, the