
I'm a recruiter in the food ingredient industry. (10 years plus 25 years in sales and sales management)

Job HOPPING is the issue, not just how long you've been at a job. That being said, if you're leaving a company and have been there less than 18 months you should be able to explain why.

For those who are unemployed.

Thank you for your response.

I have no objection to whatever a woman wants to do. My objection is when groups, blatantly lie about what the failure rate realistically is. 2% is a long way from 25%.

It's sort of like the people who try to say that teaching abstinence is as effective as teaching other forms of birth

You don't always WANT pans without a non-stick surface. It's called caramelization and fond.

When you cook some things, say meat where you are going to make a sauce. You WANT all those bits to stay in the pan. That's where you get the flavor for the sauce from. It's why you'll brown meat and then take it out when you

You don't always WANT pans without a non-stick surface. It's called caramelization and fond.

When you cook some

One person doing one thing over the period of years is not indicative of anything per scientific analysis.

Think about aids and the number of people who don't get it.

Let's see. I've got two degrees. One in biology and one in chemistry. One of the requirements for both was a second language. Statistics was considered a second language. So I took statistics.

Women are not fertile for about 25% of the time per month. There are approximately 4 weeks in a month. i.e. Each week is 25% of

Not attacking you. But, according to the people who come up with the 2% failure rate. When major league pitchers (use batters if you want), when they do everything perfectly, and everything else is regular and predictable, the chances of batters hitting their pitches is 0%. (For batters 100%.)

A little more than false

Let's see. There's about 4 weeks in one month. So each week is 25% of the month.

The failure rate of this is 25%.

I don't know about anyone else, but I find those percentages fascinating.

The problem is that the "Natural Family Planning" people say that the failure rate is 2%.

Think about it. The current keyboard layout was invented in 1868 and pretty much hasn't changed.

Either it's very good, or no one has seriously thought about coming up with a better one.

I'm a recruiter in the food ingredient industry. This entire "intern"

Even migrant farmers get paid.

"Interns" should be eliminated and "interns" should be paid at least the minimum wage.

This is going to stop VERY quickly and hopefully sooner than later.

As soon as you get a couple of parents who lose a child because they got a disease from a kid who wasn't vaccinated and sue those parents for everything they have, it will stop.

Not ever vaccine is 100% effective. But, that doesn't change the fact of

Missed one.

Admit defeat.

Can't tell you the number of times I've seen people (I live in a Chicago suburb) make the situation SIGNIFICANTLY worse by continuing to try to get their car out of the snow.

There's a reason why tow trucks were invented.

Then we could get into understeer, or oversteer. ;-)

I live outside Chicago and have lived most of my life here. Amazing how many 4 X 4 drivers have no idea that the stopping distance for a 4 X 4 is no different than 2 wheel drive vehicles of the same size, etc. Car and Driver should have a rating for stopping on ice

How much do you drive in the snow?

Sorry, but I'll only go into one thing that's wrong with your column. Rear wheel drive and weight shift.

If you're driving something like a Ferrari that starts off with maybe weight distribution of 50/50, yes then when you step on the gas the weight transfer to the rear wheels makes

I would change tomorrow if ONE thing was available. Just ONE of the local stations so that I would know what's happening locally. You know. Like if there was a tornado coming.

October, 2001. October 25, 2006. On CBS. Donald Rumsfeld. Pentagon can't find 2.3 TRILLION.

If Pentagon fraud went to zero, it would take Medicare nearly 40 YEARS to equal that amount.

So tell me what does Medicare have to do with DOD spending and fraud?

This $9 Billion was on ONE DOD program. It doesn't include the numerous jets, boats and other things that Congress put into the last spending bill that just passed. Various sources, including General Shelton, have estimated that Congress added over

Non-magnetic stainless steel pots and pans and copper pots and pans do not work on inductions stoves.

Additionally the pans should be absolutely flat.

Some time look at a cooking show with a professionals chef and look at how many of their pans are not even close to being flat.

If induction was so great, why aren't they

Something that I'm extremely sensitive to is animal abuse. Can't tell you the number of times when people start FB pages promoting dog fighting with extremely graphic photos. It's taken months to get FB to take those down. Maybe last year, there was a picture of a woman with tattoos where her breasts had been removed

Have to be magnetic. Stainless has iron in it. Talk to most people and ask them what types of pots and pans they have.

Aluminum is probably #1.