
Or non-magnetic stainless. The majority of people don't have those types of pots and pans.

To the all pans will work crew. Probably the top two materials for pots and pans are aluminum and stainless steel. Stainless will only work if it's magnetic grade.Then we could go for the real high end of copper. Those won't work. Most non-stick pans are aluminum, such as Calphalon.

Might want to look a little closer

Let's see. $150.00 for a sensor. $1,500.00 to $3,100 for a new stove. Throw in a couple hundred dollars for new pots and pans (You need special pots and pans to use induction stoves.)

Easily over $2,000.00 for this system. GE could throw the sensor in for free since you're being forced to buy a new stove.

I can buy a

I work in the food ingredient industry. I always find the "new" studies that come out saying that something is good for you, or bad for you. Start with coffee.

Can't remember how long ago it happened. Parents who were found guilty of murdering their child. They had given the kid inordinate amounts of salt, including


Although they've gotten better, many, many processed food have serving sizes that are totally ridiculous. So if you just quickly look at the calories alone, you can easily be getting twice the actual calories that you think you're getting.

If you truly wanted to be precise, you'd carry a scale around with

Okay. So what about those of us who don't want to buy these gloves and has a bank where the ATM with a touch screen is outside and in the Chicago area?

I want to simply bust the thing.

Okay. So what about those of us who don't want to buy these gloves and has a bank where the ATM with a touch screen

Thanks. I'll try it.

If I'm not mistaken, Rust-Oleum started this stuff off as a waterproofing for shoes and boots.

One of the things that I do judge most of you would think of as judging Search and Rescue work. I can spend 18 hours outside on a weekend, no matter what the weather. Wet feet are THE most miserable.

Tried the stuff. Can't

I've worked in the food ingredient industry for 30 years in sales. 8 years as a recruiter in the industry.

Follow your passion? So how many wannabe lead guitar players are out there who are unemployed? How many wannabe NBA players? Just because you're passionate about something doesn't mean that you're going to be

Not only do I work in the food ingredient industry, I'm also a foodie. It's one of the few things where I get to use my right brain.

I think that one of the biggest hurdles to home cooked meals is simply that people haven't done it all that much. I think that I was about eight. My mother asked me if I liked to eat.


Here's an analogy. I'm am a recruiter. I get companies having me do reference checks all the time. Now ask yourself. Would YOU give out a reference to a perspective employer without making sure that the reference you've given wouldn't give you an A++++ rating?

If you got a bad reference from someone who the

#1 - I'm 99% certain that YELP has been sued, and lost, over bogus reviews.
#2 - I'm not a Republican, but their views of the marketplace will hit YELP more than anything else. The more that people understand what's going on with YELP, the less they will use them, the lower YELP's revenues will be.

Good-bye YELP.

My problem is finding articles (primarily news articles) for subjects that aren't within the last few weeks or months.

Let's say there's a recent event about the Kennedy assassination. You want to read newspaper articles about it when it happened in 1963.

I haven't been able to find a way to do that.

Okay, I've put up walls, done drywall, done electrical runs and outlets, plumbing, etc.

At the same time, I have one friend in particular who doesn't know which end of a screwdriver to hold. Tightening the valve stem above? Guarantee that he'd either loosen it, or over tighten it.

ONLY do things that you feel

My LEAST favorite chain to shop in is Best Buy. I've got 4 around me. They're all the same.

They'll have maybe 15 people, or more, on the store floor, typically talking to each other.

Want to check out? No one there, you have to go to customer service where they are doing returns and everything else.

If I can buy

My wife and I are both 66. We live in a state that is in the top ten for property taxes. Right now we pay over $8,000.00/year for property taxes. Move one state to the east and the property taxes on the house of the same value would be $2,000.00/year.

I've tried Zillow a couple of times. I've found it useless. With the

Unless volunteer work has something to offer a perspective employer, why would the employer care?

Let's say that you've got a company that overworks its employees and has them working 60 hours per week. They are certainly going to view volunteering as a negative.

Takeda is the only company that I know of that might view

Wolf. Taste is an extremely individualized thing. If Mexican beans work for you, great. There are some issues outside there taste that are issues.

Just because a plant (vanilla) originated in a particular country, doesn't have any bearing on quality and taste. Look at the varieties of tomatoes.

". . . they are pretty


I'm a recruiter. ELIMINATE any references to religion.

Some things I've seen - References to being a volunteer for a religious group. (Except for people just coming out of college, I question the value of people putting interests, etc. on their resumes. Do you really think that Kraft cares that you are a coach

I work in the food ingredient industry. Sold flavors, including vanilla for about 15 years.

Vanilla. A couple of things. Do NOT use Mexican beans. They really are garbage. You want bourbon (has nothing to do with actual bourbon) beans. Madagascar or Tahitian are the norm.

You want something around 35% alcohol. Remember