
Sorry, but I was stationed at Pope AFB. The pilots there (during the Vietnam War) had PLENTY of "missions" that were to places such as Maine to pick up essential cargo such as lobsters for the Officers/NCO/Airman's Clubs for holiday dinners.

When you're based in the US there are not the number of essential missions

I work in the food ingredient industry. Sorry, but I get a little anal about things. It's the "Generally Recognized As Safe" or GRAS list. Have no idea where you folks got the "generally safe to eat list". There's no such thing.

Weren't in the AF were you?

Many, many military pilots end up flying phony "missions" so they don't lose their monthly flight pay bonus.

The other person lasting less than a year tells you that you made the right decision.

I'm a recruiter. Most companies want you to start immediately, once you've accepted the job.
One easy way out of the quandary? "I'm sure your company (the new company) expects your employees to give you two week notice. I'd love to start immediately, but I feel the professional thing to do is to give my old company a

My favorite notice on a box being shipped. I've ordered high quality cheese from high end shop in NY.

The outside of the box had a notice, "To UPS delivery. YES, I'm supposed to stink. I'm cheese."

You probably are going to need to live in a bigger city.

There are a couple of stores near me that only sell spices, but I live in a Chicago suburb.

Even with that, my guess is that you're not going to beat the price/quality of the beanilla site that someone else came up with.

BTW. I have no financial interest in

GREAT find.

Odd thing.

Cheaper vodkas in Wisconsin can be made from MILK.

Only state in the country that allows it.

I work in the food industry. This isn't the way they do it in the flavor industry, but it will work.

A couple of suggestions.

Do NOT buy vanilla at your local grocery store. It is extremely expensive. Last time I checked. The local grocery store was about $7.00/bean. If you could buy them wholesale, it's about $60.00

I used to fly 100,000 miles per year for work. When I became a recruiter one of my greatest satisfactions was that I'd never have to fly again.

I've sat next to two morons who were just about screaming having a conversation for 2-3 hours on a flight.

Anyone who thinks that sitting in coach, between two other people

I LOVE all of the comments about welfare fraud that start off with, "I know . . ."

You folks really need to take a course in logic AND statistics. Even if you knew 2,000 people who were committing welfare fraud and could prove it, that number is irrelevant when it comes to welfare, of any sort.

2,000/a few million is

Let's see. How many people are there in the US and you base your ridiculous assumptions on what you see near you. The majority of which is what is known as conjecture since you have NO way of knowing what's going on.

Let's see. How about I say that I know ONE person name Mifune who is a ________ (fill in the blank).

I LOVE the folks who have no issue with posting that there are LOTS of people who are getting these benefits who aren't eligible for them, or are abusing the system.

#1 - Since there are NO accurate studies to prove that statement, the statement is either a figment of people's imagination, or they are lying.
#2 -

It's called continental drift.

I had an ornithology professor who wrote his doctoral thesis explaining why arctic terns migrate from pole to pole and continental drift.

He wrote that paper in 1948.

The one area for me where ebooks fall down completely is cookbooks.

Having done some family research (I'm now dead ended in quite a few spots.), one common thread.

If your family lines go back to Europe, you'll typically find yourself dead ended when your family lines go to "commoners" vs. "royalty". The reason is simple. Commoners didn't keep track of their ancestors. Royalty did.


For me, hands down is the best.

That being said, try to fill out as much information as you can before you go on to the site. Then you can save yourself some time and some money.

Unfortunately, you get to a point with, where the cost outweighs the value.

I'm to the point where I've got a lot of

No. Because of the way ancestry trees are set up, you're considered the base of the tree.

With their rabid homophobe CEO, **** would freeze over before I'd stop there, even if it was free.