
So Comcast might finally be getting the idea that customers are dumping cable because of Comcast's price gouging?

I can't remember with any certainty, but I think that when I first got Comcast, it was around $30.00/month. I now have less and am paying over $100.00/month. That's the cheapest plan they offer and does

Big Oven.

Okay, I am a big cook. It's my hobby.

In looking at the Big Oven app, I'd go with the Pro version. My problem is that if this was a piece of software for even $50.00, I'd probably buy it. At $19.00/year for eternity, that just seems like a lot to me. I realize that they are also charging you for cloud space,

I'm still curious why Facebook thinks that allowing videos of decapitation is good for their business model.

I used to fly 100,000 miles/year. I, hopefully, will never have to fly anywhere again.

The "seating" on any of the commuter/shuttle flights should be outlawed as being unsafe.

I've taken small, as in 6 passenger planes, that have more space than these shuttle flights.

Americans are being treated like cattle taken to

I am a Roku user. There's a release on one of the Roku user sites that Netflix is in negotiation with Comcast and a couple of other cable companies that would cut out Roku/Apple TV/game box streaming, etc.

And I bet you couldn't get 10 people out of 1,000 who could tell you what NIH does and why it's of value.

The last paragraph is one of the most telling to me.

You just don't stop experiments and then start them up again. Lots of experiments that are stopped mean that you have to start over again from the beginning. This

Tim. As soon as you've seen ONE kid get bit by a dog when an adult left the kid unsupervised with the dog, get back to me.

Try going to some of the dog bite sites, such as the AKC and the CDC and get back to me.

Pejoratives? Shows your ability to discuss things with others.

Don't forget. In the last Presidential election you had Republicans such as Michelle Bachmann calling for the elimination of the USDA and the FDA. They were just creating too many regulations for business.

I'd suggest that Bachmann, and the Republicans, become the official food tasters for the country.

I had some recent email conversations with Yelp that has made me question their reviews quite a bit.

A local Italian restaurant. There's two other Italian restaurants in the area. One is a upper end chain restaurant.

I've been to all three at least a half dozen times.

There were maybe a dozen reviews of the restaurant

I was called to be an expert witness in a case in Pennsylvania. This was for two dogs that had mauled an five year old girl. No one knew what had happened since the only ones there were the two dogs and the little girl. These were two dogs that were extremely well trained and had never exhibited any type of aggressive


I don't want to barrage this group with a lengthy post. I've taught obedience for 35+ years. My wife and I raised and showed Rottweilers for 25 years.

Okay. I'm old. Can't remember when they came out. I think my first computer was a Commodore 64. At those early times, I also had bought a Texas Instrument computer. I think the Commodore came out first.

If you check out most books about cutting techniques, you'll find that #3 is the way to go.

If you think about it, your finger sticking out as in #2 unbalances the pressure that you put on the blade downwards and also results in less control of the blade resulting in pieces that are uneven.

It doesn't take long to get


On a later trip back from LA to Chicago, I had the "pleasure" of being across the aisle (first class) from a woman who was VERY drunk. She puts on her headphones and starts singing along with the music. Very loud and VERY off key. The rest of us in first class kept getting the flight attendants to give her more

Went to an upscale restaurant where I had eaten many times. Knew the owner from his restaurant. The waiter that night was someone I had never seen, nor had he apparently ever seen me.

Almost from the beginning of the night he decided that I was going to pay the bill. He fawned over me the entire night. We had taken my

Illinois has a law the forbids "kickbacks" to the owner of the restaurant.

Now playing

Just because you can have a 918, doesn't mean you should have one. I came across this yesterday.

Watch this idiot in a 918 at about 36 seconds almost get hit because he's an idiot.
