A Delicate Conversation Over Kimchi

2018. The year is 2018. And we are still a country without a real democracy. Without a functioning democracy. Without Civil Rights. Without fairness. Without Equal Pay. Without Women’s Rights. Without POC rights. Without freedom of religion. Without freedom of choice. Without freedom to be ourselves. Without freedom

Trump has neither the temperament nor the authority to stop migrants fleeing economic hardship from entering our country and our economy. In fact, most experts now agree that our economy can only be saved by undocumented labor refugees, which begs the question: should there be an alternate form of identification for

Not the same. False equivalence. Rach doesn’t have any African DNA. Elizabeth does indeed have Native American DNA.

She has Native American DNA and identifies as a Native American. She applied for positions throughout her career as a Native American and even penned a list of Native American recipes passed down from her elders.

This is supremely unhelpful. It is not for any of us to say whether Elizabeth Warren is Native America or not. Donald Trump is wrong to strip her identity and so is anyone else who attempts the same.

The supply of labor is greater than the demand for it, driving equilibrium wages down. What’s worse: the supply of work is much less than the supply of labor, necessarily creating joblessness and zero-income households. These poor souls rely on social assistance programs to survive and, so long as there is a work

Yes, but only the portions of the world that we directly affect. 

Germany has one of the weakest, most outdated, simply worst militaries of any non-third world country, by design.  France is not much better, though the UK would be formidable against some Eastern European nations. 

He proved that a small, odd-looking Cuban kid with no money and less education can make it in this world. Bob proved that the American Dream is alive and well, that your background, your social status, your ethnicity, your IQ are of little consequence so long as you have a little thing called heart.

When will you sovereignty fanatics realize that we are one world and in this thing together?  Sovereignty made sense before air travel, whose introduction was some time ago.

Where are they at?  Not sure, but they certainly have abandoned us. 

One drop is all it takes.

Our democracy is in crisis. Normalcy, gone. Everything has changed and not for the better. The days are dark, the nights are filled with terror, and the worst is yet to come. The fear is palpable.  Confusion and absurdity have reached historic levels.  It is becoming difficult to understand the words of others.  It is

She did.

Millburn resident here. Bob Menendez was cleared of all criminal sex and corruption charges. Functionally, he is an incredible senator that has done our state, and our country, much good.

Her face, whilst not classically beautiful, resembles not that of a horse.  Her face seems more of an omelet, in my opinion.  An omeletface. 

Do you have any reasoning behind that objectionable remark?

Great news, that much is certain, but I am having a hard time with the picture accompanying the headline. It seems she has had a great deal of surgical work performed on and about her face. I was under the impression she was against such procedures and aesthetics in general. Maybe I misunderstood the meaning of her

I am replying only to ask if, in your experience, anyone has ever read a comment of this length in its entirety.  In my experience they have not.

Stopping by just to point out that to be a trash can is, by definition, to not be the trash itself. A container is an inoffensive, neutral object. A container is not its contents.