A Delicate Conversation Over Kimchi

Short answer: Yes, obviously.

I would go as far as to recommend the entire removal of our military apparatus, both domestic and international, as there is little need for such trivial masculine trinkets in the modern age.  Look at the groundbreaking work Germany has done in this regard.  Are they the new global thought leader?  Seems so.  Seems so.

What they don’t realize is the milk is sour. This DNA test is the greatest gift given to us in a long, long time. The more we discover about it, the clearer it becomes that it was a strategic calculation ahead of midterms.

Now that would be absolutely hilarious.

Trump has a better chance of impeachment than “winning” again, not that it matters. The Blue Wave is about to crash ashore, spreading normalcy across the country and likely the globe.

Incorrect, and obviously so.  I am not the one conducting a racial purity test.  That would be Cherokee Nation, and apparently you.  It would not be surprising in the least to find out that Russian operatives working on behalf of Trump had paid Cherokee Nation to release that statement.

This comment has caused me quite a bit of stress.  What a hurtful thing I have just read.  My morning prior to this was bright, crisp, entirely at peace with myself and my surroundings.  Now it is dark.  And that bright autumnal crispness has turned into a brooding cold sour.  Native Americans were majestic, natural

Cherokee Nation is similar to the Nazis in their support of racial purity. They are not the authority here, science is.  And science says Elizabeth is a Native American. 

Do not give in to Trump. Whether Elizabeth is 1/64th or 1/1,024th Native American matters little. She is a Native American through blood. This DNA test proves that beyond a doubt.

Imagine if Bernie had given his campaign donations, or the massive list of donors, to the DNC after endorsing Hillary. Same applies here.

This article is a must-read for the Anti-Facebook crowd. They are taking measures to protect our institutions, up to and including democracy itself, entirely at their own cost.

It’s getting to the point where the only trustworthy sources are late night comedians and print newspapers with illustrious, rich histories of fact checking and fact reporting.

Experience, temperament, aptitude, intelligence, and skills are all implied in her Native American heritage.  Goes without saying, especially temperament and intelligence. 

Correct. Nature is not always peaceful. Remember, it is proven that all life originated out of a big, violent bang. Oneness with nature does not preclude a hearty battle nor the concept, even admiration, of a warrior.  

They were transcendent people, some would even call them luminaries.

No, they aren’t “elves,” but they are certainly more wholesome than the average non-NA human. For hundreds of thousands of years they lived in peace, tranquility, and nudity. They roamed the entirety of this amazing continent without leaving a trace. They weren’t just in tune with nature, they were natural beings

My own intellectual integrity requires I point out that DNA tests are extremely easy to conduct and hardly an “effort” to be wasted or not. I agree with the overall nature and tone of your comment.

To me, Elizabeth Warren is a Native American.  

Implying that just because something is not normal doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Oh stop it.  This is normal political stuff.  You donate to politicians because of what they can do for you, as was the case here and has always been the case everywhere.  This is normal.