A Delicate Conversation Over Kimchi

she plagiarized her ‘Cherokee’ recipes in the book Pow Wow Chow from the New York Times and other publications.*

She has Native American DNA and identifies as a Native American. She applied for positions throughout her career as a Native American and even penned a list of Native American recipes passed down from her elders.

She looks good to me.

Funny that McConnell would refer to the military as an entitlement program...

According to the tests, Native American, or possibly Mexican, or maybe Peruvian.

Have you read their statement on the matter? They just want to maintain control of who is and isn’t part of the Cherokee Nation rather than give people the opportunity to force themselves in via a third party DNA test.

one day someone will have to explain the whole tomato thing to me. I get that there’s a guy who changes up his user name to be some tomato reference and I’ve seen some of his posts, but they aren’t really *that* trolley, just kinda dumb? I don’t know what his plan is. I get a troll saying something like Ringo was the

He's given up tomato themed names and just uses nonsensical names now. 

Now THAT is the TomatoFace content I know and love.

Oneness with nature does not preclude a hearty battle” cringe

I normally want to pull my hair out when I come across a troll like you (you sure sound like Tomatoface, but since when is “bone smugglin’” a tomato reference?), but I have to admit this comment is kind of hilarious in a satirical sort of way.

If she really did list her ethnicity as NA on any sort of official form, that’s not cool and she deserves to be called out for it.

You should probably do something other than politics for a little bit.