
ohhhh no - not now, not later, not ever. he is an only dog by choice. we tried to get him a companion - lovely, bright, cooperative, beautiful little cocker spaniel. she was a good ten pounds smaller than him so we thought, surely he won’t feel threatened. we had to send her back to the foster home after three days so

My baby has a favorite boob, does that count?

Face tattoos just don’t sound like a Canadian thing to do........too aggressive. I’d suggest a Celine Dion tramp stamp or leg tattoo for Drake instead

“Billy reached out to me just about three weeks ago by email. He wrote a really nice apology, which I appreciated very much.”

Yes, but blood on a cut avocado will prevent it from turning brown.

Thank you for that last part- I’ve been dealing with this story for a long time now, since it was a very popular book in my class for years. I don’t like that it makes suicide something that a person can do to get back at others, and the whole tapes thing just emphasizes that. I think most read it as a tragedy a la

Yes to the glommer description! He absolutely does, even back with Juliette Lewis. Without his own depth and sense of self, he takes their look, persona, values. He’s an empty vessel.

Before the next time you feel like harping on “uneducated, poor English,” would you like some grammar pointers? Literally every sentence you wrote has a red flag.

I’ve always imagined that many alcoholics/addicts are on some level physically stronger than the average person. If I drink or smoke weed every day for a week, I end up sick in bed: I’m a mess. I go downhill fast. While an addict can go for years doing that and be/look physically fine. It’s why I was never able to

Dude, I forgot about him blaming Aniston on being so boring that all he did was sit around and smoke weed. Angie can’t fix you, bro, you gotta fix yourself.

No, he absolutely does not know how ridiculous these are. He thinks he’s deep - meanwhile it’s his chameleon qualities that have allowed him to be a decent character actor, but his lack of personal depth limits the weight he brings to other roles.

I’m a 33 year old man that went through a bad breakup, got into Art/Running/Hiking and been looking into clay classes and I called it my midlife crisis. Him being 53 and it being called that just showed the life expectancy of blacks versus white men :(


Don’t have a great answer for that. There are tools the PT folks use to measure strength, but they’re not used unless you already have a problem we’re fixing. Off the top of my head I would assume if you’re able to stop urinating mid stream then you’ve got pretty solid strength. I wouldn’t do this as a habit

Yes! Also, longer non-granny hair, being thin and not matronly, and dressing younger. Add good straight white teeth. She wouldn’t look like a granny otherwise, but the effect would be much different.

Sunk cost fallacy in action. You’ve already spent the money and don’t want to admit you were duped so you double down.

Whenever I read stories like this in the world, I wonder how on earth people my age or younger can just go and willy nilly drop $2000 on something like this. Our household income is twice the median and anything over $200 is a ‘is this ok? Can we do this?’ type of purchase. I always wonder what these people do for a

Even worse, later in the show she started to take a shit right there in her dress. There are photos of it. The shit hit the ground and she scooped it up and began to eat it.

They’re nice to you if you’re white. I’ve been downright mistreated by nearly every airline. And it’s not on my side.

are you me

same same same same same