An additional 15 minutes of fame?
An additional 15 minutes of fame?
Really. Camille Paglia, is as per the usual, entirely full of shit.
“She has failed to study the example of her great role model, Marlene Dietrich, who retained her class and style to the end.”
Paglia is the bestest good girl ever for the patriarchy. She is the one Fox News goes to for quotes on how powerful women suck. She doesn’t have a career at this point other than hating powerful women for pull-quotes for the fascists. Much like Dennis Miller went right-wing so someone would quote him.
I’m 50 and refuse to be dignified!
Yeah, wtf? I’m 34 and I’ve never had a dignified bone in my body. I swear like a sailor, I drink bourbon whenever I get the chance, my hair is a wild mess and my clothes are whatever I bought 12 years ago that doesn’t have too many holes to catch me an indecent exposure charge if I go out in them in public.
PAGLIA IS NOT A FEMINIST. She’s a contrarian and a provocateur, but she’s never stood up for women ever, and most people stopped saying feminist about her in the late 90s. How did Jezebel get this one so wrong?
Because Prince, for all of his purple gloriousness, was *a man*.
But what does it mean to be “dignified” and why is okay to police behaviour and sexuality of those who are X age? Why should she uphold societal expectations and definitions of dignity instead of resisting and doing what she chooses? Why was Prince’s sexuality always a positive and not hers?
Unlike, say, Steven Tyler? Iggy Pop? Keith Richards?
I do not love what Madonna has done with the last twenty years of her life, but on the other hand Camille Paglia is a genuine piece of shit. (See e.g. the pages of this very august publication: So, on net, call me Team Madonna.
I would agree with this except that her name is Paglia?
Pagilia is a professional troll who long turned her back on feminism. Can’t believe she still has a public forum for her famous contrarian views.
*standing ovation*
This deserves so much more love.
Kanye West doesn’t care about black people