
Because Covid is highly contagious and can kill others via transmission. Fat is not and cannot. One thing is about what’s in the public interest and the other is a personal matter.

Awesome! Perhaps if you can sign up at the Meetup link we could keep track of that, in case there’s any Jezzies in need of assistance.

I am not sure what happened to your post from yesterday? I am not a mod. Perhaps it’s just in the greys?

Thanks, I didn’t see that one!

Sorry, I can’t do much tonight - I’m at my mom’s house pretending to watch videos with her! Lol.

As I said, I’m not an official organizer. I would be googling info just the same as anyone. That said, this looks like the most official thing I could find:

We could make that part of the sign-up. I wouldn’t want to post anything directly on kinja that would end up in people being doxxed, but the Jezzie running the sign-ups (link above) is working specifically to keep it down to regular Jezzies. It would be simple to plan something that way.

One more note on harassment of March organizers. You might have noticed that the pages for the March and for solidarity marches in other areas have disappeared into private events on Facebook. This is literally because of harassment and threats made towards the organizers. However those links are still on FB. You

Once again, there has been a LOT of harassment and threats made towards the organizers. The trolls are out in force and are in full-on vicious harassment mode, trying to silence dissent. Note that this thread is not the place to debate the election, it’s just for info-sharing and meetup planning. On that note:

Not to minimize what you’re trying to say here, but Naomi Judd didn’t make it in music until she was in her 40s. She has written about her days of struggling in many shit jobs as a single mom, struggling just to pay the rent and feed her children, and of living in a battered women’s shelter with the girls for a time.

I’m surprised it came from Canada.

Kellyanne is bringing her Gaslighting Show to Canada. I just read this a few minutes ago and I am FREAKING THE FUCK OUT.

I am a Canadian. I just saw this 10 mins ago and I want to start building the wall between Canada and the US like RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Canadian here but I am at my mom’s house right now - I just got her TV hooked up with my Netflix account about 15 mins ago, and the first thing she did is squee over Gilmore Girls (which she is ensconced in as I write this). ;-)

One more note on harassment of March organizers. You might have noticed that the pages for the March and for solidarity marches in other areas have disappeared into private events on Facebook. This is literally because of harassment and threats made towards the organizers. However those links are still on FB. You just

Once again, there has been a LOT of harassment and threats made towards the organizers. The trolls are out in force and are in full-on vicious harassment mode, trying to silence dissent. Note that this thread is not the place to debate the election, it’s just for info-sharing and meetup planning. On that note:

Yes. Canada’s treatment of indigenous people has been little better than the US.

I don’t think all Japanese-Canadians were forced east or to Japan after the war. Where I live in BC, there are lots and lots of families who bear the legacy of internment camps and remained in BC after the war - among them my late uncle’s business partner of 30 years, and also the parents/grandparents of several of my