
I feel like with what’s happening in the US, we’re been given a very clear warning of what could happen in Canada. You know that old saying, “when America sneezes, Canada gets a cold”? Yeah. I mean, just look at what’s going on inside the federal Conservative leadership race.

Here in Canada lots of people are still saying it couldn’t happen here or it has nothing to do with us. Meanwhile 22,000 Japanese-Canadians were also interned during WWII in Canada, including many people from right here in my town, people we know/knew and supposedly cherish.

I am nearly 48 and Canadian. We were in the war years before America but we absolutely were not taught about the Holocaust in school. I remember asking my Social Studies teacher if we were going to cover it, and he said it wasn’t part of the provincial curriculum, and would only be covered in the elective class,

I see your point but there is also the risk of someone else ungreying it, which gives it the attention anyway.

Just wanted to add this in case any makes it down to the bottom of the thread. I’ll try to get it at the top next week.

I appreciate and respect this position, thank you for sharing.

I think the regional marches will be great! Especially if you can get involved in getting other people out. Honestly, I think it’s important as well, because it will provide a way for those who can’t afford to go to DC to participate, and also no one can say “oh it’s just a bunch of people that (fill-in-the-blank)

Ok I signed up! You’ll know me by my Wonder Woman FB avatar, HA HA HA HA!!!

Also thank you for taking this on! \m/ You rock!

I don’t feel like this is my deal at all! There’s no thunder to steal, I promise. Rather this thread/meetup belongs to all of us Jezzies! I am not an official organizer of the March - I started posting about it on Jez only because I have some organizing experience, and was hoping I could encourage others and share any

It’s been awhile since I’ve done any big marches, but yes, restrooms can be a problem, and I doubt the new administration is going to put any portopotties on site for protesters. I’ve never been to DC so maybe others have better info, but maybe this will help?

Bandana is a good idea, maybe someone can also make up a Jez sticker design that people can print out at home and wear?

Hah! I love that you have bail money ready!

That’s awesome! Do you think your family will come to the march with you?

Just to add: I was thinking I could do this thread on SNS till the march happens also, and can keep re-posting the sign up. If I end up not going to DC, I’ll at least feel better if I can help other people get there.

If you want to post the link here, I can keep posting it thereafter. With my injury, I am home and on Jez a lot these days! Does that work or do you think it should be more private?

Hopefully it will be a wholly peaceful event! Whatever happens, you know Trump will complain about it like the annoying mantoddler that he is!

The NYPD was super friendly to us marchers in 2000. It seems like a whole other lifetime ago now.

Can people identify themselves by their real name and their Jez nom when they sign up? It’s a bit of work, but that way you could check people’s comment histories and make sure they aren’t trolls. I guess that wouldn’t work with everyone (since some people rarely comment), but it probably would with most people.

I think it’s likely she is worried about the dangers. I mean, if anything happened to me, she is pretty well on her own. I’m aware of it every time I take my truck out on a mountain highway, lol!