
Now, more than anything, we need a secure Can-Am border, if only to keep the trust fund rejects out of Canada! 

Canadian universities have a lower grade average requirement for foreign students than Canadian students - they pay a lot more in tuition because they are run like money making businesses not educational institutions. So they probably wouldn’t have to fake anything to get her in. Exhibit A: Canada is not as communist

This has nothing to do with our subject, but if you think sexuality is binary then you are missing the fuck out.

A casual flex to say that she’s on a texting basis with Lorde and Grande, but that’s neither here nor there. Halsey makes a good point here...”

The real tragedy here is Michael himself.

Well then how do you explain all of the run of the mill child abusers out there? The tragedy isn’t people not telling Jackson “no”, it’s Michael Jackson abusing children and society utterly failing in every regard to hold him accountable while alive or to believe them now that he’s dead.

I disagree. The real tragedy are his victims. Another way of looking at Michael Jackson is he crafted a persona that appealed to children. Mild- mannered. Child-like. His home was built to entice children. All to create the perfect environment for a predator. People act like Michael Jackson was some sort of naive waif

Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.

Why doesn’t the New England Journal of Medicine have a lifestyle section?

What? You mean you’re asking why this website that focuses on black culture speaks mostly on black issues?

It always seems to take many white people several years/never .... to understand very basic concepts when it comes to black people. For example:

I was thinking Geddy Lee, but then he’s Canadian, so never mind.

1.) Who fucking cares if gender identity “is a thing” or not?

Darth Becky DARTH BECKY Jesus that’s good

A male feminist walks into a bar

Also, this.

If they are going to bring anyone back, it should be Etta, she coulda used more screen time.

the transphobia in this thread is astounding.

Jezebel is #1 on my list of publications that helped me get through this election and this year.