
Hi, it’s me! I’ve been trying to keep up on the approvals, so if it takes a day or two, my apologies. I just got back from vacation and am still catching up on things. I’m super excited about the possibility of a bunch of Jezzie’s getting together that weekend.

Thank you!

Thank you! This is insanely helpful!

I can’t go but I’d like to donate funds to help someone else attend. I (selfishly) want to be involved. This is important.

Hi. I created a Meetup account to join the group. I’m completely new to Meetup so I hope my request went through.

I think it just went live in the last couple of days, when the organizers could tell that people were starting to get skittish about plans.

Yeah, I’m seriously considering going but I’d be all by myself. It’d be nice to meet up with people I “know” from here.

Once again, here’s the usual plea for information sources for folks who choose not to be stalked by Mark Zuckerberg. Non-Facebook sources of info?

I know a lot of jezzies going who are also meeting other non-kinja folks (myself included) - I keep thinking it would be nice if we had some way to identify one another even for those who can’t participate in a kinja-specific meet up. I don’t want to suggest a ribbon necessarily cause that seems played but maybe

Craft thread!

She wasn’t famous until she was like 40, though. Before that she was raising two daughters by herself on a shoestring, from what I understand. So it’s not that she has nothing to which she can compare her current circumstances. So she can talk about her present difficulties with the perspective of having had other

I don’t want to Northsplain to you, Anna, but you have to rent a snowmobile. 

I’m sorry, Megyn Kelly told me that Santa is white, because despite the fact that he’s an entirely made up figment of everyone’s imagination, that collective imagination could only possibly have him be white, because white people said so.

OMG I was seriously hoping Jezebel would write about some of these articles about “sympathizing with the Trump voter.” Yahoo had an interview with one the other day so we can “understand where he’s coming from.” Honestly it completely lost me when it opened up with the fact that he hung a noose in his yard and didn’t

Yep, totally agree. I’m a fourth-generation on one side and third-generation on the other side Angeleno whose relatives left the south back in the day because it was racist as fuck and there were no opportunities. So they headed out West and we’ve done ourselves pretty solidly. And this back in the day before an

YES! Your dad sounds like my parents; both were postal workers who busted their asses to put both me and my sister through a good prep school just so we could be fucking ‘elitist’. So when I hear smarmy right wing tools using that word I wear it like a badge of honor.

If I applaud this for infinity I would.

I’ve said this SO many times. I don’t care about spoiled brats who actively refuse all change that would have improved their economy and health because

Thank you. I live in the Midwest, these people are not that hard to understand...they are racists who are perfectly happy for the government to supplement incomes as long as those incomes are theirs. They’re the first and second generation of men who didn’t have manufacturing jobs handed to them on a silver platter