
You misspelled Reagan there.

Okay, let me say before I say anything else that I speak solely for my own half-Native self and nobody else. And this is just how I feel, personally.

It may not have been all of them (I know the internment camps in Alberta apparently didn’t get forced out after the war because they were already so far inland) but it was at the very least a significant number.

And the treatment of First Nations children. I really enjoy visiting Canada, and find the national politics to be, in general, much more progressive than the US. That being said, a story about the treatment of the First Nations on Jez a few months back took my breath away.

THIS. IIRC, we did something similar during WWI (with Germans) and also interred Germans and Italians in WWII.

Classifying myself as a Millennial (eww...) I consider myself to have above-average knowledge of the Japanese-Canadian internment compared to my peers. My dad made it a point to take me on a tour of the Nikkei Internment Memorial Centre when I was a teenager. That region of British Columbia is particularly liberal

Sadly, living in the county I do, I can sadly all too well second this statement.

There’s people here who wouldn’t bat an eye if gay marriage was repealed or a “religious freedom” law that would make it’s importance moot was introduced as long as the guy doing it also claimed to be fighting “for the economy” as well,

I was definitely thinking about Canada’s internment camps while reading this article too. Canadians like to act morally superior to Americans but this time we need to look in the mirror.

I think her breathing malady is called formerly being an extreme coke enthusiast.

He’ll be briefed on some crazy shit like aliens

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The first time Trump gets into a snit with the CIA/FBI, etc., those state secrets will be all over Twitter by 3 am.

This is such a beautifully written and heartbreaking piece. It really boggles my mind that there are people who are all “let’s give Trump a chance” and “he’s not going to be THAT BAD as the media is portraying”.

It’s good because we all know there are absolutely no negative places that adolescents might go to seek support and acceptance when positive places can’t be found. They will just turn straight. That’s how it works.

Racism & classicism of course has always existed in America, its built on it...but man do these white boys loose their sh** when their women get out of line. Its their last hold of control, controlling women and when they try to leave them behind, they take it out on everyone. This aligning with the first woman

I had to tell a 20 something about the assignation of JFK. They seriously had no idea. What the F are schools teaching these days?

There is a woman at work who is 70 and in Friday I said something about the Japanese interment camps and she had no idea what I was talking about. Absolutely none. I showed her pictures and she was like “oh my god no one ever told me”. Part of me wonders if it’s like how I was born in 1983 and learned all about

“George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” Where’s that guy?

My step-mom’s dad, who is thankfully dead now, LIVED THROUGH WWII IN POLAND, and still denied the Holocaust, while simultaneously saying the Nazis were great guys who gave him a job (at business they took from a Jewish family, as opposed to putting his ass is a camp, which they could have since he was Catholic). The

Jewish people have been warning everyone about this for the last decade, and literally nobody listened. This shit has been happening across Europe out in the open for quite some time. Now it’s out in the open here, too. But everyone just wanted to stick their fingers in their ears and tell Jews that our problems

It is interesting that the parts of the West outburst you chose to highlight were his apparent calling out of B and J. Meanwhile his assertion that though he didn’t vote, if he had he would have voted for Trump. In his little speech he caricatured the whine on the left about trump being “this or that” (I suppose