If you live on the Amtrak north eastern corridor route you don’t even need get a hotel, you could instead book the overnight or early morning down and over-night back to your city just for the day.
If you live on the Amtrak north eastern corridor route you don’t even need get a hotel, you could instead book the overnight or early morning down and over-night back to your city just for the day.
They’re trying to organize coordinating marches around the country on every state capitol and some major non-capital cities, too. You can find the list of the on the Facebook for the DC march.
I’m trying to convince myself that the regional marches should also be great, and important as well. https://www.facebook.com/events/1549975168362232/ edited to add link to my local one.
I posted this up thread but thought you might like to see it too.
Sign up! Sign up! Sign up! https://www.meetup.com/JEZZIEs-March-on-Washington-Meetup/
Thank you. I am a very, very, very ashamed white women of means, that wants to bitch slap most of this country. I will use every inch, ounce and dollar of my privelege and wealth to fight the dirty fascist cheeto and his white puppet that wants to kill my best friends. I took multiple days off to go to her rallies, I…
Please see my reply below for a t-shirt idea!
I wear this shirt on a regular basis:
Let’s keep exchanging info on the march. I want to go.
It’s amazing to me how much my opinion on GWB has changed in the last two weeks. 😭😭😭
I will wear a suffragette costume and YOUR sash.
I’m willing to run this, but you’re better known and supported. I have a link to share, and I’ve locked it down. Do you want me to post the main thread and rile the folks? I feel like this was your deal and I don’t want to go stealing any thunder. I have setup the infrastructure, I have experience in this kind of…
I love that my parents, my boss, my boss’s boss, my former boss’s boss’s boss, and my friends are so ready to bail me out of jail in a heartbeat.
I just created a meetup that allows me full right of refusal of anyone to join and they have to answer four questions of my choising :)
My husband and I are going. So psyched!
Yeah a lot of people like to leave town for inaug too so I think this is a good call.
One of them, definitely. The other is fairly agoraphobic, so I think it would be too much.
And I will say
My wife and I are planning on riding up from Richmond on rallybus. We have never been to something like this and we have a few logistics concerns. #1 restroom: how is that handled with such a large crowd like this?
You are going to want to stay outside of DC proper. Maybe AirBnB as I know a lot of like minded people who are leaving town for the weekend.