
Sometimes. Yes. I have personally observed a woman having wielded near deadly control over a situation. This woman had a potentially fatal weapon, her car.

The woman didnt Get Tasered for Blocking McDonald’s Drive-Through, she got tasered for being violent with police officers.

I think steino was going more for the second definition:

do you know how annoying it is to distribute firefox updates to 138 macs and try to avoid the users being constantly annoyed by the requests to update in between?!

cant get it to work.... bumr

did you mean 4th quarter?

It may not be the top of the line in technology doo-dads, but they are top of the line in user experience, which is far more important to me.

I think its really up to administration at the educational institution to deal with these sort of exploitations.

Ingenuitea stains really bad. Get the teavana instead.

because Apple is the standard to which all others are compared.

Then who will ever sit with Judy?

After months, slideshows still dont work

Yea. lets put houses 700 yards from a bomb range. Damn greedy bay area real estate.


Unless you stick your finger on the side of the roller where it meets the wall.

If they dont have the money to sponsor the arena anymore, I dont see how they could keep the name. Some other company out there is bound to out-bid them and wrap their logo around the building.

I remember this thing mounted in our schools office near the principals door.

I guess Sacramento gets a new stadium name