
My father's old trick always was to fill the holes with toothpicks and screw the screws back in. The extra wood fills the hole, giving the screws extra grip.

You missed the most damning piece of evidence:

Yep, it's so much more filling/satisfying to eat low carb and high fat.

Good Calories Bad Calories is not a diet book. It is a scientific review of 100+ years of literature on Obesity and well worth a read for anyone serious about nutrition. Weight regulation, hunger and satiety are incredibly complex processes and involve multiple hormones (insulin, leptin, cortisol, etc). It is so much

The background / outro music on the video is great. You'd swear this was a secret training facility for Project Treadstone.

Nothing says sustainable earth like styrofoam cups.

Let's just get this straight, there is only one type of cholesterol. There isn't any such thing as good or bad cholesterol. Now what it decides to attach to is a whole nother story. LDL and HDL are the vehicles that carry cholesterol to its destination. LD=Low density, HD=High Density and L=lipoprotein. LDL has a

"consuming a measurable amount, which leads to increased levels of artery-clogging, bad (LDL) cholesterol.

It is calm before the storm...


According to wikipedia (under Yucca Airstrip), the asphalt runway at those coordinates was constructed in 2002 to support UAV flights.

Oh hell no! If its the size of the model that makes it so butt ugly, DON'T SELL IT IN THAT SIZE! This looks a LOT better!

What's even more impressive, knowing what photography gear was like around then, is that the person taking the picture had even more balls than the guy pictured!

That photo of they guy standing on the golden gate... WOW. Especially knowing the winds up there...

I love the Golden Gate Bridge picture; that guy has some balls.

Number 27 on my list of things that irrationally creep me out, Young Kids in Collared Shirts.

I'll see your vette and raise you an Auto Union Type C.


Oh, who the fuck cares. Stop being so sensitive.