Or say screw it to the credit score, pay cash for things, no credit cards, no debt, and have your mortgage manually underwritten.
Or say screw it to the credit score, pay cash for things, no credit cards, no debt, and have your mortgage manually underwritten.
Or say screw it to the credit score, pay cash for things, no credit cards, no debt, and have your mortgage manually underwritten.
If you want the short version, read his more user friendly book "Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It.
Have you read Good Calories Bad Calories? The math just doesn't add up when you calorie count.
Paleo & you're done.
Random stalkers would be my first answer to this. I have some attractive friends *shocker* who post fairly anonymously on Instagram and have a huge number of followers. Had one of my friends done the above, one of those followers would easily know her real name and address...and proceed to stalker mode.
A simple backdrop would step up the production value of this about 10,000%
I use intelliscreen X but I would rather not have to jailbreak to get the features that should be stupid simple to be in the base OS. Not to mention the wait for jailbreaks
why you no drag & drop?
Apple Menu > Recent Items
hahahahahha! bahahahhahahahahah!!!!!
The real creepy part is when stores start sharing databases and eventually have shared tracking like Facebook does on partner sites.
I owned the original for a week and returned it before they started doing these blanket refunds. It wasnt the durability that killed it for me, it was the lack of bluetooth, the weird features of the iOS app and syncing/charging issues. Also it is just way too thick on the bottom side where you rest your wrist while…
Macbook pro
Cool whhwip
Never mind the fact that this small orifice will but a very large resistance load on your vacuum motor and likely burn it up if used for any extended period of time.