
Or say screw it to the credit score, pay cash for things, no credit cards, no debt, and have your mortgage manually underwritten.

Or say screw it to the credit score, pay cash for things, no credit cards, no debt, and have your mortgage manually underwritten.

If you want the short version, read his more user friendly book "Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It.

Read "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Taubes. It changed my life. I was overweight my whole life and lost 62 lbs in just over a year. Now all my vitals are that of a teenager and Im 31.

Have you read Good Calories Bad Calories? The math just doesn't add up when you calorie count.

Paleo & you're done.

Thanks but I'd much rather stick to my current diet and just raise my own farm animals.

A pregnant lady is easier to screw

If you had actually come up with one I would have applauded you.

I stand corrected. I did watch the video and thought I was seeing penetration.

Thats a lot of sharing of flesh

Well this is an easy physics problem.

Its all about moisture.

Random stalkers would be my first answer to this. I have some attractive friends *shocker* who post fairly anonymously on Instagram and have a huge number of followers. Had one of my friends done the above, one of those followers would easily know her real name and address...and proceed to stalker mode.

Im not proposing a fix, only here to gripe about it :)

Pretty much.

Mouth movement and teeth still suck, even for my expectations today.

Who cares about over complicating this feature. The iPhone progressively locks you out from putting in a new code for each incorrect code. Eventually it will make you wait days, weeks, years before you can make another attempt.

A simple backdrop would step up the production value of this about 10,000%

Time to get adblock plus bro