
From my understanding it simply serves your "files" from a usb device to your cloud drive of choice. Thus any USB device that would show up as a drive on your computer (thumb, camera, flash card) would be recognized as a device to the cloudftp and uploaded. There is no mention of any type of control on the device

Also, what did we build near Area 51?

Sure, a lot of it is PR spin. But I really think most of it is business practice. Exxon makes it blatantly obvious that profit is king and they will stop at nothing to squeeze every penny out of your pocket, especially during peak vacation times. Walmart again is so steadfast on the bottom line that they treat their

Talk about effective product placement. I went to gerber's site the instant I saw that episode of Walking Dead

Because apple spends their money wisely on R&D and puts it where it needs it. They also know cash is king and what you have in the bank can give you a lot of power.

heres the difference, one side of each example does evil stuff to its employees and the world around it, the other does not.

Its a man..woah

One thing to keep in mind that if you are not using detergents designed for cold water use, they can lead to build up in your washer as well as the drain pipes. I have seen it before. I recommend using just "warm" water to properly liquify the soap and allow for easy rinsing.

Slideshows still suck in chrome...just sayin

I was about to write pretty much the exact same reply, so kudos. Ignore Merry up there.

Its hopper holds 46,000 square meters of spoil—

I'm "not sure what to think" about this.

Ive had this cup for over a year and love it. Its a huge improvement over the all plastic model that you couldnt take apart and clean.

i dont get it

Your slideshow galleries make my back button cry

Your slideshow galleries make my back button cry.

enough what if scenarios every time something happens around this globe.

You really do have to spend money to make money. If they follow their sales trends for the following weeks, I bet they would find that the additional costs in support are far outweighed by the increase in sales due to word of mouth.

Honestly I really should sell off the Pioneer on ebay. Im sure someone would enjoy it a lot more than I am. I wish I was in the a place where I could afford all of this equipment, but Ive just been fortunate enough to get hand-me-downs from my uncle mostly. He was a founding member of Phase Linear and housemate with

Yea...cuz I want to have my hands hovering over the keyboard all the time. Can anyone say shoulder cramp?