
Just like VPN, most credit card transactions are encrypted between your computer and the bank or merchants servers. Your ISP wouldnt have any luck logging those credit card numbers.

Much like VPN, credit card information is encrypted in most cases between your computer and the bank or merchants server, thus your ISP would not be able to log it.

I have that EXACT Pioneer model in my closet. It was my dads. Haha.

I have that EXACT Pioneer model in my closet. It was my dads. Haha!

give me my rs485's!

Even though you are not actually consuming any calories or sugar, just the act of thinking of something sweet and drinking something that tastes sweet causes an insulin reaction in the body to anticipate incoming sugar that never arrives.

Those promoters have to pay licensing fees for the broadcast. Trust me, I'm involved in one :)

You picked the wrong day to stop licking uranium

Im with @LittleKingPsyz


this is just way to "duh" to be news

Dont put a handful of marbles in your toilet tank will clog in a matter of seconds. A full water bottle is best.

Dont feel bad Android. The zippo app has only been around on the iPhone for 2 years.

Would you sue your friend if they set you up on a blind date with this guy?

Just calculate the number of iphone users x the size of the update (200+mb) = AT&T screaming

i'd pay $75

Cant wait for Steadicam to send this guy a cease & desist.

I'm really skeptical about how well it can capture clear images with a flexible sensor.hmm

Be careful about which of these you do at your own work. If someone was controlling another employees computer via VNC at my work, they would get their ass fired real quick.