Doctor Wha

All I really want is for Trump to walk out and reveal that his whole campaign has been one long SNL sketch to prank the GOP and show the public how ridiculous the whole political system is. And then you find out he’s just this really chill comic who’s been cultivating this character for years, playing a slow con, and

The problem here (and maybe then as well) is that for all the screaming to get Trump off of SNL, we are playing directly into his hands. If a Latino group actually does have people start shouting things during the taping, it will be an instant PR success for Trump. If the protesting is big enough, again, PR success

Would you rather he hold on to toxic views?

I don’t get this mentality of trying to convince people to be more accepting in their views, only to shit on them when they come around. Does he need a ticker tape parade? No. But him changing his mind, especially publicly, is a good thing!

That’s a pile of hot, steaming bullshit that you just spouted right there.

The cookie story is the polar opposite of a juicy gossip story. Like, you couldn’t find a more lame-ass story about a celebrity if you tried.

I read it more like a parody of the shenanigans between Marvel and Fox. I think this might be Ryan North poking some fun at Marvel editorial.

With how specific it is, and North’s sense of humor, it seems like he might be turning a mandated change into a not quite subtle Fuck You to marvel.

Most Youtuber’s I follow have a patreon account that lets you do just that. Their patreon page allows them to set up special content like in depth tutorial videos and suggesting/voting for next video topic. I’d rather support ten of the people i’m subbed to than pay ten for red :/

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Advertising has always, since its inception, been an opt-in choice by the consumers. We are not in any way obligated or forced to be exposed to advertising.
When an ad comes on the TV, we can change the channel, or mute the TV. When an ad comes on the radio we can change the

I will stop using AdBlock when sites stop using obnoxious adds.

Man, I have get almost the same feeling of revulsion when I look at Pewdiepie as I do with Juggalo Joker. I’m happiest not seeing him.

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.

The people who send them there already live with massive cognitive dissonance. They’re the people who start racist statements with the statement “I’m not racist but”. They want government hands off their medicaid. They get government assistance but hate welfare queens. Their daughter is pregnant at 16 but want

When Version 5.0 comes out and they finally disable that useless MMO feature and let you play the game it should have always been...I’ll play it

I’ve played all the Halo campaigns and enjoyed most of them. In general, I preferred the ones I played through in co-op, which I did for Halo 3 and Reach. The first is a classic, of course, though I suspect parts may not have aged well. There are a lot of echoes of 2 in this one in terms of character switching and a

Well, it’s better than the original plan, where The Force Awakens was going to be preceded by The Force Sleeps, The Force Hogs the Blankets, The Force Rolls Over a Couple Times, and, finally, The Force Hits the Snooze Button a Few Times But Then Remembers it’s a Work Day.

We see that Vader is internally conflicted for the first time in Empire. When Luke escapes, his reaction on the Star Destroyer bridge is a give away of where his character would go in Jedi. Kasdan brilliantly juxtaposed this to how he previously reacted to failure on the part of his subordinates. The viewer learns

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but the difference between Vader and Sauron is that Sauron isn’t revealed to be Frodo’s dad.

Did you ever think this is one of the reasons why the series is so beloved? (4-6) Because Vader DIDN’T turn out just to be evil personified? The fact that Luke essentially saved his dad from himself I think holds a lot resonance for the non-hard-core sci-fi people.